This Malaysia made Lincoln has a metal body, plastic base, including bumpers and grille, interior, and windows, with.
Also known as ’64 Lincoln Continental.
Similar casting: ’64 Lincoln Continental (convertible) (2000)
a. mf blue, chrome base, light blue interior, tinted windows, silver stripes, door handles and “Continental” on sides, os5wh. 2007 New Models #022 $1 – 3
a2. mf blue as a, sp5wh, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 2 – 5
b. mf white, chrome base, white int., green windows, silver stripe door handles & ”Continental” on sides, os5gd, 2007 New Models #022 (2007)1 – 3
b2. mf white, as b, lt. green windows, os5gd, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 3
c. mf purple, as a, white int., lw, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 3
c2. mf purple as c, os5. 2007 New Models #022 or 10-pack (2007) 3 – NA
c3. mf purple, as c, os5gd. 10-pack (2007) 3 – NA
c4. mf purple, as c. sp5wh. 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 4
c5. mf purple, as c. sp5. 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 4
d. silver, as a, sp5wh. 2007 New Models #009 (2007) 150 – 250
e. mf green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, white, green, yellow and black design on sides and hood, os5, Th. Scary Cars 5-pack (2008) 2 – NA
f. mf burnt orange, as e, tinted windows, white, brown, yellow and black design on sides and hood, os5, Th. Fright Cars (2008) 1 – 3
g. mf dk. gold, chrome base, black int., clear windows, silver and black flames on sides and trunk, os5, Mal. Rebel Rides #140 (2009) 1 – 2
h. mf pink, as g, blue and pink flames on sides and trunk, os5, Mal. Rebel Rides #140 (2009) 1 – 2
i. pearl white, metal base, red int., clear windows, red, dk. red, and silver stripes and flame design on top and sides, rrcww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #8 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
j. mf red, chrome plastic base, gold int., clear windows, yellow, gold, and white flames on hood trunk and sides, stripes on sides, os5gd, Mal. Race World – Volcano #231 (2010) 1 – 2
k. mf gold, as i, black int., tinted windows, black, gold, and tan design, rrclgdww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #8 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
l. powder coat gray, as i, blue int., blue windows, met lt. blue and blue design, WS etched on base, rrww, Mal. Garage 30-car set Wayne’s #8 (2010) 4 – NA
m. mf red, as k, gray int., orange and gray design, rrww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #8 (2010) 4 – NA
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
n. black, chrome base, gray int., blue windows, black, white, and silver police design, “Police” on sides, “6227” on roof and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 1 – 2
n2. black as n, mc5, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 10 – 20
o. mf blue, as n, gold int., tinted windows, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 1 – 2
p. black, chrome base, gold int., clear windows, white, yellow and orange flames on hood and sides, os5, Mal. Kroger’s Super Speeders foil pack #3 (2012) 3 – NA
q. mf green, chrome base, lt. tan int., clear windows, green and silver stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, sp10, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 (2013) 1 – 2
q2. mf green, as q, os5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 (2013) 5 – 10
r. pearl magenta, as q, gray int., black and pink stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, sp10, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 Kmart excl. (2013) 1 – 3
s. lt. blue, chrome base, purple int., clear windows, blue, pink, and purple stripe design on hood, trunk and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #208 (2014) 1 – 2
t. zamac, lt green int., clear windows, green and lt green design, lwgd, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #208 Walmart excl. (2014) 1 – 3
u. black, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, details, lw, Th. 007 series – Goldfinger #3 (2015) 1 – 2
v. mf brown. chrome base, lt. tan int., clear windows, gold design on top and sides, White “Hot Wheels” on sides and “W” on roof, sp10gd, Mal. HW Art Cars #15 (2017) 1 – 2
w. mf blue, as v, silver int., mf blue and white design, os5, Mal. HW Art Cars #110 (2017) 2 – NA
w2. mf blue, as w, silver int., mf blue and white design, sp10, Mal. multi-pack (2017) 2 – NA
x. mf white, as v, red int., tinted windows, gold and red design, sp10, Mal. Red Edition Target Excl. (2017) 1 – 2
y. black. metal base, black int., tinted windows, gray accents, details, rrirl, Indo. Entertainment (2022) 3 – 7
z. magenta. gold chrome base, purple int., tinted windows, pink and purple designs on top and sides, lwgd, Mal. HW Slammed #246 (2023) 1 – 2
aa. mf green. gold chrome base, green int., tinted windows, green and yellow designs on top and sides, lwgd, Mal. HW Slammed #246, Dollar General Exclusive (2024, 2023 car released in 2024) 2 – 4