1964 Lincoln Continental – 82mm – 2007

This Malaysia made Lincoln has a metal body, plastic base, including bumpers and grille, interior, and windows, with.
Also known as ’64 Lincoln Continental.
Similar casting: ’64 Lincoln Continental (convertible) (2000)

 a. mf blue, chrome base, light blue interior, tinted windows, silver stripes, door handles and “Continental” on sides, os5wh. 2007 New Models #022 $1 – 3
a2. mf blue as a, sp5wh, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 2  – 5
 b. mf white, chrome base, white int., green windows, silver stripe door handles & ”Continental” on sides, os5gd, 2007 New Models #022 (2007)1 – 3
 b2. mf white, as b, lt. green windows, os5gd, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 3
1964 Lincoln Continental (c) c. mf purple, as a, white int., lw, 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 3
 c2. mf purple as c, os5. 2007 New Models #022 or 10-pack (2007) 3 – NA
 c3. mf purple, as c, os5gd. 10-pack (2007) 3 – NA
c4. mf purple, as c. sp5wh. 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 4
c5. mf purple, as c. sp5. 2007 New Models #022 (2007) 1 – 4
d. silver, as a, sp5wh. 2007 New Models #009 (2007) 150 – 250
 e. mf green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, white, green, yellow and black design on sides and hood, os5, Th. Scary Cars 5-pack (2008) 2 – NA
 f. mf burnt orange, as e, tinted windows, white, brown, yellow and black design on sides and hood, os5, Th. Fright Cars (2008) 1 – 3
g. mf dk. gold, chrome base, black int., clear windows, silver and black flames on sides and trunk, os5, Mal. Rebel Rides #140 (2009) 1 – 2
 h. mf pink, as g, blue and pink flames on sides and trunk, os5, Mal. Rebel Rides #140 (2009) 1 – 2
 i. pearl white, metal base, red int., clear windows, red, dk. red, and silver stripes and flame design on top and sides, rrcww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage  #8 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
1964 Lincoln Continental (j) j. mf red, chrome plastic base, gold int., clear windows, yellow, gold, and white flames on hood trunk and sides, stripes on sides, os5gd, Mal. Race World – Volcano #231 (2010) 1 – 2
 k. mf gold, as i, black int., tinted windows, black, gold, and tan design, rrclgdww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage  #8 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
1964 Lincoln Continental (l) l. powder coat gray, as i, blue int., blue windows, met lt. blue and blue design, WS etched on base, rrww, Mal. Garage 30-car set Wayne’s #8 (2010) 4 – NA
 m. mf red, as k, gray int., orange and gray design, rrww, Mal. Wayne’s Garage  #8 (2010) 4 – NA
** with WS etched on base. 4 -7
n. black, chrome base, gray int., blue windows, black, white, and silver police design, “Police” on sides, “6227” on roof and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 1 – 2
n2. black as n, mc5, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 10 – 20
1964 Lincoln Continental (o) o. mf blue, as n, gold int., tinted windows, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Main Street #170 (2012) 1 – 2
1964 Lincoln Continental (p) p. black, chrome base, gold int., clear windows, white, yellow and orange flames on hood and sides, os5, Mal. Kroger’s Super Speeders foil pack #3 (2012) 3 – NA
1964 Lincoln Continental (q)  q. mf green, chrome base, lt. tan int., clear windows, green and silver stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, sp10, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 (2013) 1 – 2
q2. mf green, as q, os5, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 (2013) 5 – 10
1964 Lincoln Continental (r) r. pearl magenta, as q, gray int., black and pink stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, sp10, Mal. HW Showroom – HW Garage #181 Kmart excl. (2013) 1 – 3
1964 Lincoln Continental (s) s. lt. blue, chrome base, purple int., clear windows, blue, pink, and purple stripe design on hood, trunk and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #208 (2014) 1 – 2
1964 Lincoln Continental (t) t. zamac, lt green int., clear windows, green and lt green design, lwgd, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #208 Walmart excl. (2014) 1 – 3
 u. black, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, details, lw, Th. 007 series – Goldfinger #3 (2015) 1 – 2
 v. mf brown. chrome base, lt. tan int., clear windows, gold design on top and sides, White “Hot Wheels” on sides and “W” on roof, sp10gd, Mal. HW Art Cars #15 (2017) 1 – 2
 w. mf blue, as v, silver int., mf blue and white design, os5, Mal. HW Art Cars #110 (2017) 2 – NA
 w2. mf blue, as w, silver int., mf blue and white design, sp10, Mal. multi-pack (2017) 2 – NA
 x. mf white, as v, red int., tinted windows, gold and red design, sp10, Mal. Red Edition Target Excl. (2017) 1 – 2
y. black. metal base, black int., tinted windows, gray accents, details, rrirl, Indo. Entertainment (2022) 3 – 7
z. magenta. gold chrome base, purple int., tinted windows, pink and purple designs on top and sides, lwgd, Mal. HW Slammed #246 (2023) 1 – 2
aa. mf green. gold chrome base, green int., tinted windows, green and yellow designs on top and sides, lwgd, Mal. HW Slammed #246, Dollar General Exclusive (2024, 2023 car released in 2024) 2 – 4

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