This Malaysia made fantasy racecar has a plastic body, interior, and windows with a metal base.
a. white, mf blue metal base, chrome int., orange windows, blue, orange, black, and red stripes, Hot Wheels logo and “11” on sides, os5. 2011 New Models #10 1 – 2
b. pearl yellow, as a, orange base, blue windows, os5. 2011 New Models #10 1 – 2
c. blue, as a, gray base, clear windows, silver, orange, white, and red design. os5wh, Mal. Mystery Models #02 (2011) 2 – 4
d. red, flat black metal base, chrome int., yellow windows, yellow, white and black stripes on top and sides, “24” and decals on sides, black and white Hot Wheels logo, sp10cp, Mal. Track Stars #69 (2012) 1 – 4
d2. red, as d, black and yellow Hot Wheels logo, sp10cp, Mal. Track Stars #69 (2012) 1 – 2
e. candy blue, flat black metal base, gray int., blue windows, red, white, and silver stripes on top and sides, “4” on sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides and wing, lw, Mal. HW Racing – HW Race Team #104 (2013) 1 – 2
f. white, as e, blue base, gray int., blue windows, yellow, red, blue and silver design, j5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW Racing – HW Race Team #104 (2013) 1 – 2
g. black, orange metal base, silver int., tinted windows, orange, gray and white race design w/”3″ on hood and sides, decals on top, Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. HW Race – Track Aces #164 (2014) 1 – 2
g2. black, orange metal base, silver int., tinted windows, orange, gray and white race design was g, sp10, Mal. HW Race – Track Aces #164 (2014) 15 – 25
h. green, as, g, white metal base, orange, black and white race design pr5bk/or-rim, Mal. HW Race – Track Aces #164 (2014) 1 – 2
i. gold chrome, mf lt. blue metal base, black int., blue windows, red, white, and met blue stripes and “28” on sides, os5bk/bu-rim, Mal. Trucking Transporters – Rig Dog (2014) 2 – 5
i2. gold chrome, as i, clear os5bu, Th. Trucking Transporters – Rig Dog (2018) 2 – 5
j. lt. green, satin gray metal base, chrome int., green int., green, black and yellow stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, fan5yw, Mal. Trucking Transporters – Rig Dog (2014) 2 – 5
j2. lt green, as j, fan5yw, Th. Trucking Transporters – Rig Dog (2014) 2 – 5
k. silver, pearl blue metal base, chrome int., blue windows, orange, white and black stripes on top and sides, “24” and decals on sides, sp10or, Mal. Snow-flake Edition Target excl.or Mystery Model #5 (2015) 2 – 4
l. plum, mf purple, chrome int., orange windows, yellow, black, and white stripes, Hot Wheels logo and “11” on sides, os5bk/yw-rim. Mal. Mystery Models #5 intl. (2015) 2 – 4
m. pearl blue, lt. blue metal base, chrome int., blue windows, white and lt. blue stripes on top and sides, glow-in-dark ra6bu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #189 (2017) 1 – 2
n. pearl red, orange metal base, chrome int., yellow windows, orange and yellow stripes on top, glow-in-dark ra6bu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels TH (2017) 1 – 3
o. black, red metal base, chrome int., blue windows, white, red, blue, and gold design w/”4″ on sides, lwgd, Indo. Track Builder System 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
o. chrome, mf red metal base, black int., yellow windows, yellow and red flames and “7” on top, “Seven” on sides, glowhls y5bk, Mal. Mystery Models #7 (2019) 2 – NA
q. orange, black metal base, chrome int., blue windows, white, black and yellow race design w/”7” on hood and sides, adbu, Mystery Models #7 (2020) 2 – NA
r. orange, black metal base, chrome int., blue windows, aqua, orange, and white designs with “5” on sides, orange y5bk, Indo. Hot Wheels Action 5-pack (2024) 2 – NA