This Malaysia made 1941 coupe dragster has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, exposed engine, and windows.
Also known as: Jeep Willys Coupe, ’41 Pro Mod Willys.
a. mf orange, gray base and int., chrome engine, tinted windows, yellow, magenta, blue and black design w/“Wild Willy” and race decals on sides, sp5. 2000 First Editions #074 $2 – 3
a2. mf orange, as a, smooth front grille, 2000 First Editions #074 7 – 10
b. black, red windows, chrome int., yellow, white, dk. red and black design w/“Wild Willy” and race decals on sides, sp5, Mal. #110 (2001) 2 – 3
c. mf dk. red, black base and int., clear windows, lt. blue, yellow, red and black design on sides and trunk, Editor’s Choice logo behind rear window, sp5, Th. Editor’s Choice (2001) 5 – 7
d. mf gray, chrome base and int., red windows, dk. red, gray and black design, sp5, Mal. Skin Deep #094 (2001) 2 – 3
e. gray, gray base, chrome int., red windows, yellow and brown design w/“Wild Willy Racing” and race decals on sides, sp5, Mal. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 3 – 5
f. black, gray base, chrome int. red windows, gray, red, white and tan figure and “Ram Man” on sides, “Masters of the Universe” on roof, sp5, Ch. He-Man #091 (2002)
f2. black, same as f, sp5, Mal. #91 (2002)
g. neon green and black, chrome base, int. and engine, blue windows, red, black and white Mooneyes Racing design, prr, Th. Hot Rod Magazine – Preferred (2002)
h. yellow and black, as g, wrr, Th. Hot Rod Magazine – Preferred (2002)
i. black, chrome base and engine, orange windows, black int., gray, white, black and orange design w/“Dr. Von Auto” on sides, Hot Wheels logo on hood, sp5or, Mal. Halloween Highway 2-pack (2003)
j. mf gold, chrome base and engine, red int., clear windows, red, black gold, and white design w/Hot Wheels logo, “Smashmouth” and “33” on sides, sp5, Ch. Smashville 5-pack (2004)
k. mf lt. green, gray base, gold engine, red int., red windows, white, yellow, red and black clown w/“B.I.Z Bobo” on sides, sp5rd, Mal. Crazed Clowns II #114(2005)
k2. mf lt. green, as k, gold base, sp5rd, Mal. Crazed Clowns II #114(2005)
l. pearl lt. green, same as k, sp5rd, Mal. Crazed Clowns II #114(2005)
m. flat black, gold base, gray wheelie bar, blue windows, white, blue, and gold design with “HWP” and “503” on the rear wing, white, blue, gold and black design with “Rollin’ and Patrolin’ Since 1968”, “HWP” and “503” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. #170 (2006)
m2. flat black, same as m, black base, white design extends on to hood, sp5gd, #170 (2006)
m3. flat black, same as m, black base, white design only on door, sp5gd, #170 (2006)
n. satin black, same as m, sp5gd, #170 (2006)
o. mf blue, black base, red int., chrome engine, clear windows, red, silver and white flames and “6” on sides and roof, hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5, Mal. Hot Wheels Racing #077 (2007)
p. copper plated, chrome base, chrome int., orange windows, white and brown design, w/ “Dream Halloween” on front fenders, “In Hot Wheels we trust”, “2007” on roof , CAAF logo on rear wing, rr5sp, “Ghostyear” on rear wheel, Mal. Dream Halloween (2007)
q. mf orange, black base, gold int., gold chrome engine, clear windows, white, black, yellow and orange flames, on sides and roof, ”HW” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. All Stars #061 (2008)
r. dk. blue, as q, sp5gd, Mal. All Stars series #061 (2008)
s. mf gold, as q, black int. and engine, sp5gd, Mal. All Stars #061 (2008)
t. black, black base, gray int., clear windows, chrome engine, red white and orange flame and shield on doors and roof, sp5, Th. Fire Rods #7 2 – 4
u. satin blue, black base, chrome int., clear windows, yellow ,red, purple and orange, design w/”Wild Willy” and decals on sides, sp5or, Th. HW Drag Racers 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
v. flat green, black base, int., and windows, black, white, and gold lightning bolts on sides and hood, “U.S. Army” and “Standard Issue” on sides, sp5bk, Th. Military Rods #15 (2009) 2 – 3
w. mf white, black base, chrome int., clear windows, blue, red, and gold Chesapeake Police design w/“Police 345” on roof, sp5, Th. Cop Rods #24 (2009) 3 – 5
x. mf yellow, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, red, white, and black, checkerboard stripes top and sides, “MSD Ignition” on sides, sp5, Mal. HW Performance #106 (2010) 1 – 2
x2. mf yellow, as x, sp5gyt, Mal. HW Performance #106 (2010) 3 – 5
y. flat black and mf red, metal base, gray int., red windows, black, yellow, orange, and white race design w/ “Nitro Willys” and decals on sides, stripes and decals on wing, rr5sp, Mal. Phil’s Garage #20 (2010) 3 – 5
* PR etched on base. 5 – 7
z. met gray, as x, sp5, Mal. HW Performance #106 (2010) 1 – 2
z2. met gray, as z, sp5bfg, Mal. HW Performance #106 (2010) 1 – 2
aa. satin purple and silver, as y, purple windows, rr5sp, Mal. Phil’s Garage #20 (2010) 3 – 5
* PR etched on base, 5 – 7
ab. powder coat gray and mf lt. green, as y, dk. gray int., tinted windows, PR etched on base, rr5spgy/ch-rim Mal. Garage 30-car set Phil’s #20 (2010) 4 – NA
ac. silver and black, as y, dk. gray int., tinted windows, rr5spgy/ch-rim, Mal. Phil’s Garage #20 (2010) 3 – 5
* PR etched on base. 5 – 7
ad. mf lt. green, as x, yellow, black, and white design, sp5, Mal. HW Performance #106 (2010) 1 – 2
ae. mf green and tan, black base, gold chrome int., clear windows, white and black, “El Segundo Shaker” and “41 on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Cars of the Decades #5 (2011) 2 – 3
af. mf brown, chrome base, gray int., clear windows, orange, black, gray, and gold design w/“TH” on sides, mc5, Mal. Treasure Hunts #51 (2012) 3 – 5
ag. met gray and flat black, metal base, gray int., clear windows, chrome engine, red, black, and silver flames on hood and sides “41” on sides, sp5rrgy/ch-rim, Mal. Boulevard – Legends (2012) 2 – 4
ah. black, red base, gold chrome int., clear windows, burgundy, gold, and black design on hood, roof, and sides, “Chocolate 100” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Sweet Rides #2 (2014) 2 – 4
ag.: – this model was incorrectly placed here; it is a casting k. in “Custom ’41 Willys Coupe”