’58 Corvette Coupe – 70mm – 1995

This Malaysia made Corvette convertible has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, exposed engine or opening hood (as mention) and windshield.

'58 Corvette Coupe (a) a. bright pink, pink base, chrome int. and chrome engine, clear windshield, bw. 1995 Model #341 $2 – 3
a2. bright pink, as a, sp5. #341 3 – 5
'58 Corvette Coupe (a3) a3. bright pink , as a, sp7. #341 3 – 5
 b. mf purple, mf purple base, as a, sp5. #341 (1996) 2 – 3
'58 Corvette Coupe (b2) b2. mf purple, as b, sp7. #341(1996) 2 – 3
 b3. mf purple, as b, ho5. #341 (1997) 10 – 12
b4. mf purple, as b, gray int. and engine, sp7. #341 (1997) 10 – 12
b5. mf pearl purple, as b, sp5. #341 (1997) 10 – 12
b6. mf pearl purple, as b, sp7. #341 (1997) 10 – 12
c. turquoise, w/hood, turquoise base, white int., clear windshield, white side panels, details, pc5, Mal. Hills Dept. Store excl. (1995) 10 – 20
d. red, w/hood, red base, white int., clear windshield, white on sides, pc5. M&D Toys LE7000, #14 (1996) 40 – 45
e. mf blue, blue base, w/hood, chrome int., blue windshield, sp5, Mal. Corvette 5-pack (1996) 2 – NA
'58 Corvette Coupe (e2) e2. mf blue, as e, sp3, Mal. (1996) 2 – NA
e3. mf blue, as e, sp3, Ch. Long Haulers pack (1999) 2 – 4
 f. pearl white, w/hood, blue base, white base, red int., clear windshield, red on sides, rrgdrl. History of Hot Wheels II 8-pack (1996) 6 – NA
g. mf silver, w/hood, gray base, red int., clear windshield, red on sides, rrwl. Treasure Hunt #436 (1996) 40 – 50
h. gold-plated, w/hood, gold-plated base, black int., clear windshield, rrgyt. FAO Schwarz Olympic 3-pack (1996) 40 – NA
i. mf dk. blue, w/hood, dk. blue base, chrome int., blue windshield, gray sides, sp5. Cruisin’ America 6-pack (1997) 5 – NA
j. white, w/hood, white base, gold int., blue windshield, red and dk. blue stars and stripes, pc5gd. American Spirit 4-pack (1997) 10 – NA
 k. mf dk. red, w/hood, dk. red base, chrome int., clear windshield, sp7rl. Mal. General Mills Designer Collection 5-pack promo (1997) 5 – NA
'58 Corvette Coupe (l) l. turquoise, w/engine, turquoise base, chrome int., tinted windshield, ho5, Mal. #780
(1997) 2 – 3
'58 Corvette Coupe (l2) l2. turquoise, as k, w/hood, ho5. #780 2 – 3
m. gray, w/hood, gray base, blue int., tinted windshield, blue, red, and white Chicago Cubs design, sp5, Mal. Chicago Cubs baseball team 2-pack promo (1998) 20 – NA
'58 Corvette Coupe (n) n. black, w/hood, black base, red int., clear windshield lined in gray, gray design, sp7ww, Ch. Cruisin’ the ’50s 8-pack (1998) 6 – NA
o. lt. blue, w/hood, lt. blue metal base and int., clear windshield, gray on sides, blue design w/Corvette Central logo on trunk, rrwl, Mal. Corvette Central LE10,000 (1998) 12 – 15
'58 Corvette Coupe (p) p. black, w/hood, black base, chrome int., tinted windshield, lw, Mal. #1092 (1999) 2 – 3
q. white, w/hood, white base, mf blue int., clear windshield, mf blue stripe over top, gray on top, “58” on sides and hood, sp5, Mal. Super Roadsters – Ames Stores 4-pack (1999) 4 – NA
'58 Corvette Coupe (r)r. black and white, w/hood, black base, white int., blue windshield, white, gold, and black Las Vegas Police design, rr, Mal. Cop Rods LE25,000 (1999) 4 – NA
s. yellow, w/hood, yellow base, chrome int., blue windshield, sp3, Ch. Arco Hauler pack (1999) 3 – 5
t. lt. purple, w/hood, blue base, chrome int., blue windshield, sp3, Ch. Long Haulers pack (2000) 3 – 5
u. satin red, as t, sp3, Ch. Racing Haulers pack (2000) 3 – 5
v. chrome, w/hood, chrome base, black int., clear windshield, red, yellow, and white design w/“Wild Weekend of” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Th. Wild Weekend of Hot Wheels (2001) 20 – 25
w. black, w/engine, black base, chrome int., blue windshield, silver design on sides and trunk w/“Heavy Metal” on sides, dw3, Th. Motorin’ Music 5-pack (2001) 2 – NA
x. black, w/hood, black base, chrome int., tinted windshield, white and red design w/“TH” on sides, sp3, Ch. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 5 – 7
'58 Corvette Coupe (y) y. silver, w/hood, gray base, chrome int., blue windshield, purple and black design on sides, sp3, Ch. Pavement Pounders pack (2001) 3 – 5
z. white, w/hood, chrome base, purple chrome int., clear windshield, purple and gold design w/“TH” on sides, sp3, Ch. Pavement Pounders Treasure Hunt pack (2001) 100 – 125
'58 Corvette Coupe (aa) aa. yellow, w/hood, black base, chrome int., clear windshield, white on sides, black stripes on top, sp3, Ch. Corvette #069
(2002) 2 – 3
'58 Corvette Coupe (ab) ab. yellow, w/hood, yellow base, white int., clear windshield, chrome trim, silver stripes on fenders and trunk, white trim on sides, Corvette flag emblems on sides, hood, and trunk, rrslt5, Th. GM Performance Parts – Preferred (2002) 3 – 5
'58 Corvette Coupe (ac) ac. mf plum, as ab, plum base, rrslt5, Th. GM Performance Parts – Preferred (2002) 3 – 5
ad. mf brown, w/hood, brown base, chrome int., clear windshield, white scallops, Corvette flag emblems on sides, hood and trunk, checker board stripes on hood and trunk and details, rr5sp, Th. Sweet Rods – Preferred Japan (2002) 5 – 7
 ae. black, w/hood, black base, chrome int., clear windshield, silver scallops, orange, red, and white Auto Zone tampo, sp5, Mal. Auto Zone 2-pack (2003) 3 – NA
'58 Corvette Coupe (af) af. purple, w/hood, black base, chrome int., tinted windshield, red, black, and silver design on sides and hood, pr5, Mal. Wastelander #151 (2003) 1 – 3
ag. white, w/hood, white base, chrome int., blue windshield, multicolor design, “Fla-Vor-Ice” on sides and hood, Hot Wheels logo on passenger side, pr5, Mal. Fla-Vor-Ice promo (2003) 5 – 7
'58 Corvette Coupe (ah) ah. red, w/hood, red base, white int., chrome trim, clear windshield, white scallops, Corvette flags on sides, trunk, and hood and details, rrslt5, Mal. Preferred – 50th Anniversary of Corvette (2003) 3 – 5
'58 Corvette Coupe (ai) ai. black, as ah, black base, rrslt5, Mal. Preferred – 50th Anniversary of Corvette (2003) 3 – 5
'58 Corvette Coupe (aj) aj. mf red, w/hood, chrome base, white int., clear windshield, white scallops and details, sp5ww, Mal. Larry Wood 35th Anniversary Commemorative Classics (2004) 20 – 25
 ak. mf white, w/hood, chrome base and int., blue windshield, black flames on sides, hood, and trunk, 10th Anniversary Treasure Hunt logo on trunk and details, rr, Mal. Treasure Hunt #123 (2005) 5 – 7
ak2. mf white, as ak, rrrl, Mal. Treasure Hunt #123 (2005) 8 – 10
'58 Corvette Coupe (al) al. spec. green, w/hood, metal base, chrome int., clear windshield, white stripes on hood and trunk, white scallops, and “06” on sides, Corvette flags on hood, sides, and trunk, sp5bfg, Th. Classics series 2 (2006) 2 – 4
'58 Corvette Coupe (am) am. spec. pink, as al, sp5bfg. Classics series 2 #5 (2006) 2 – 4
'58 Corvette Coupe (an) an. spec. lt. blue, as al, sp5bfg. Classics series 2 #5 and HWC Classics 30-car set (2006) 2 – 4
ao. spec. yellow, as al, sp5bfg. Classics series 2 #5 (2006) 2 – 4
ap. spec. red, as al, sp5bfg. Classics series 2 #5 (2006) 2 – 4
aq. spec. aqua, as al, sp5bfg. Classics series 2 #5 (2006) 2 – 4
'58 Corvette Coupe (ar) ar. mf blue, w/hood, mf blue base, chrome and blue int., clear windshield silver trim and details, rr5sp, Th. Ultra Hots (2006) 3 – 5
as. mf gray, as ar, rr5sp, Th. Ultra Hots (2006) 3 – 5
'58 Corvette Coupe (at) at. mf gray, w/hood, chrome base and int., clear windshield, black, blue, and white flames on sides, sp5, Th. Engine Revealers #059 (2007) 2 – 3
'58 Corvette Coupe (au) au. mf aqua, w/engine, chrome base, white int. and bumpers, clear windshield, silver trim, lt. green scallops, sp5, Mal. Mystery cars #195 (2008) 2 – NA
 av. burgundy, w/hood, burgundy base, chrome int, clear windshield, black white and silver stripe design w/ “58” on sides and hood, sp5gd, Mal. Happy Birthday (2009) 5 – 10
'58 Corvette Coupe (aw) aw. pearl white w/hood, red base, gold chrome int., tinted windshield, red, and gold stripes w/snowflakes on hood and trunk, panels on sides w/Corvette logo, sp5gd, Mal. Holiday Hot Rods #7 (2012) 2 – 4
'58 Corvette Coupe (ax) ax. candy blue w/hood, blue base, chrome int., tinted windshield, white panels silver trim on sides, Corvette emblem on hood, sp5, Mal. Corvette 60th Anniversary #1 (2013) 2 – 4

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