’64 Buick Riviera – 80mm – 2002

This Buick has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows and is made in Malaysia.
Also known as:1964 Buick Riviera, ’64 Riviera.

 a. mf orange, chrome base, white int., magenta window, gold design on hood, roof, and trunk, pr5. 2002 First Editions #042 2 – 3
 a2. mf orange, as a, sp5, 2002 First Editions #042 2 – 3
 b. mf lt. blue, chrome base, black int., blue tinted windows, black and blue pinstripe design on hood and sides, black crown design and Hot Wheels logo on side, y5, Mal. Pride Rides #133 (2003)
 b2. mf lt. blue, as b blue int., y5, Ch. Pride Rides #133 (2003)
b3. mf lt. blue, blue int., sp5, Ch. Pride Rides #133 (2003)
b4. mf lt. blue, blue int., sp10, Ch. Pride Rides #133 (2003)
 c. flat black, chrome base, white int., blue windows, “RIVTING” on license plate, white, blue and dk. blue flames on sides, hood, roof and trunk, st6rr, Mal. Hall of Fame Greatest Rides ’70 Riviera (2003)
d. turquoise, chrome base, white int., clear windows, white rocker panels, pink pinstripes on sides, trunk and hood, silver trim, prrgd, Mal. Preferred – Custom Rodder LE15000 (2003)
e. mf burnt orange, as d, purple pinstripes, prrgd, Mal. Preferred – Custom Rodder LE15000 (2003)
 f. mf white, chrome base, black int., blue windows, green, black and silver design on hood and sides, lw, Ch. Concrete Cruisers 5-pack (2003)
 f2. mf white, as f, sp5, Ch. Concrete Cruisers 5-pack (2003)
 g. mf green, chrome base, gray int., clear windows, “Team Bardwell” on rear window, wsp6rr, Th. Whips – Old School (2004)
h. mf blue, as g, wsp6rr, Th. Whips – Old School (2004)
 i. mf bronze, black hood, black base and int., tinted windows, black stripes on sides, silver “Hot Wheels” logo on the rear fenders, pr5, Mal. Muscle Mania #103 (2005)
 i2. mf bronze, as i, fte, Mal. Muscle Mania #103 (2005)
i3. mf lt bronze, as i, no black hood, sp5, Th. Muscle Mania #103 (2005)
 j. mf green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, green and white design on hood, trunk and sides w/Hot Wheels logo on trunk, lw, Mal. #157 (2006)
 k. red, as j, maroon and white design, lw, Mal. #157 (2006)
l. mf purple, chrome base, black int., clear windows, silver and purple stripes on hood, trunk and sides, sp10, Mal. Lowriders (2006)
l2. mf purple, as l. pr5, Mal. Lowriders (2006)
m. mf green, as l, yellow and black stripes, sp10, Mal. Lowriders (2006)
 n. mf gold, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, yellow flame pinstripes on sides, sp10, Mal. #140 (2007)
o. mf gray, as n, silver flame pinstripes, sp10, Mal. #140 (2007)
 p. mf purple, as n, purple flame pinstripes, sp10, Mal. #140 (2007)
q. mf pink, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, dk. purple design on sides, hood, and trunk, lw, Mal. Treasure Hunts #170 (2008)
q2. spec pink, as q, rr5sp, Mal. Treasure Hunts #170 (2008) 15 – 20
 r. red, chrome base, gray int., yellow windows, black, yellow and orange design on sides, lw, Th. HW Hot Rods 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
s. pearl white, gold chrome base, black int., green windows, red and gold stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, lwgd, Mal. Holiday Hot Rods, Walmart (2011) 2 – 3
 t. mf purple, black roof, gold chrome base, blue int., green windows, blue, green, and gold diamond design on hood, trunk and sides, “Mardi Gras” on trunk, os5bk/gn-rim, Th. Mardi Gras (2012) 2 – 4
 u. mf purple, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, black and pink stripes on sides, sp10, Mal. HW Showroom – Muscle Mania #238 (2013) 1 – 2
 v. spec purple, as u, added hood design. sp10rr, Mal. HW Showroom – Muscle Mania #238-STH (2013) 5 – 10
 w. blue and mf red, chrome base, black int., clear windows, yellow, red and black Superman design w/Superman logo on hood and sides, “Superman” on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim, Mal. Superman #3 (2013) 2 – 4
 x. mf gold, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, black and brown stripes on top and sides, sp10gd, Mal. 9-car gift pack (2014) 3 – NA
 y. mf aqua blue, as x, silver int., clear windows, lt. met blue and black design, sp10, Mal. Mal. 9-car gift pack (2014) 3 – NA
 z. pearl pink, as x, ivory int., tinted windows, black and purple design, sp10, Mal. Mal. 9-car gift pack (2014) 3 – NA
 aa. mf red, as u, black and gray stripes on sides, sp10, Mal. multi-pack only (2016) 2 – NA
ab. green, chrome base, pink windows, yellow, plum, and orange design on top, “D” on roof, skulls on sides, skwpu, Mal. HW Art Cars #217
ac. flat black, as ab, clear windows, gray and white design, white skwbk, Mal. HW Art Cars #217 Kroger stores excl. (2019) 1 – 3

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