This Malaysia made 1968 El Camino truck has a metal body and base, plastic interior including rear wing, windows, and engine in back.
Also known as: ’69 El Camino, Chevy El Camino.
Note: Re-tooled in 2009 with a re-tooled plastic base, extended sides of body and a bed cover replacing the wing and engine
Note: This model comes 5 different ways: with a wing and engine with low profile blower in back, a wing and engine with larger blower in back, with only an engine and blower, with an engine with velocity stacks or with a bed cover.
a. pearl white, metal base, gray int. and rear wing, chrome engine, blue windows, sp5. 2000 First Editions, #068 $2 – 3
a2. pearl white as a, “SS” removed of casting, sp5. 2000 First Editions #068 (2000) 2 – 3
b. mf orange, as a, black stripe on sides, sp5, Ch. #246 (2001) 2 – 3
c. mf blue, gray int. and wing, clear windows, yellow, black and orange design on sides and hood, sp5, Mal. Hot Haulers 4-pack (2001) 5 – NA
d. red, tan int. and wing, orange windows, gray, gold and black Torrance Fire Dept. design, rr, Th. Fire Rods series (2001) 7 – 9
e. orange, yellow int. and wing, tinted windows, purple and yellow flames on sides and hood, “Xtreme Xpress” on sides, pr5, Ch. #200 (2001) 2 – 3
e2. orange, as e, pr5, Th. #200 (2001) 2 – 3
e3. orange, as e, pr5, Mal. Truck Stoppers 5-pack (2001) 3 – NA
f. white, red int. and wing, clear windows, blue and red stars, flames design, sp5, Ch. #082 (2002) 2 – 3
g. yellow and black, metal base, black int. and wing, clear windows, chrome engine, black stripes on sides, Motor City Classics logo on rear window and details, rrgyt, Th. Motor City Classics Walmart excl. (2002)
h. yellow, metal base, blue int. and wing, yellow window, chrome engine, orange, blue, black and white design on roof and sides, “Hot Wheels Wild Waves” on roof and “Delany’s Surfboards Hang Loose” on doors, sp5, Ch. #055 (2003)
i. flat gray and flat black, black base, black int. and wing, orange windows, black chrome engine, multicolor design w/“Silver Fish Rat” and “27” on hood and “Hot Wheels”, “Highway 35” on roof, “27”, “Silver Fish Rat”, “Road Beast”, “Dune Ratz” and “Face your Fears” on sides, cm5gy/gd-rim, Th. World Race 27 of 35 (2003) 20 – 40
j. mf pink and black, metal base, black int. and wing, clear windows, chrome engine, black and silver flames w/Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt 2003 logo on sides, rr, Mal. Treasure Hunt #005 (2003)
k. flat tan, metal base, black int., engine and rear wing, tinted windows, black, tan and brown flames w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
k2. flat tan, as k, chrome engine, pr5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
k3. flat tan, as k, sp5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
l. mf red, metal base, black int. and wing, yellow windows, chrome engine, orange, silver and yellow flames w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5, Mal. #171 (2005)
l2. mf red, as l. fte, Mal. #171 (2005)
m. mf blue, as l, sp5, Mal. #171 (2005)
n. mf green, as l, sp5, Mal. #171 (2005)
o. flat gray, black hood, mf black base, black int. and wing, tinted windows, gold engine long intake, gold, yellow, orange and red stripes on sides and hood, red in hood design, Hot Wheels logo on roof support, sp5gd, Mal. #172 (2006)
o2. flat gray, as o, no red on hood design, sp5gd, Mal. #172 (2006)
o3. flat gray, as o, no red on hood design, no Hot Wheels logo, sp5gd, Mal. #172 (2006)
o4. flat gray, as o, no red on hood design, with Hot Wheels logo, short intake, sp5gd, Mal. #172 (2006)
p. orange, mf black base, black int. and wing, tinted windows, chrome engine short intake, black, white, lt. blue, blue and dk. blue design on hood, silver, white, lt. blue and blue on sides, Hot Wheels logo on the front fender, sp5, Mal. #172 (2006)
p2. orange, as p, Hot Wheels logo on roof support, sp5, Mal. #172 (2006)
q. yellow, mf black base, black int. and rear wing, clear windows, chrome engine, black hood, blue, green, white and silver stripes on sides and hood, Hot Wheels logo on roof support, sp5, Mal. #172 TRU Starter Set exclusive (2006)
r. spec brown, metal base, black int., blue windows, new casting with opening hood and bed cover, brown, copper and silver flames on hood, bed cover and sides, and details, neo, Ch., Neo-Classics series 6 (2007) 10 – 20
s. flat black, metal base, black int., and rear wing, red windows, chrome engine, aqua red and black , flames on sides and hood, sp5, Mal. Happy Birthday (2008)
t. mf silver, tinted chrome base, black int., and bed cover, red windows, yellow, red, and black flames on sides, stripes and flames on hood, pr5bk/rd-rim, Mal. Heat Fleet #118 (2009) 1 – 2
u. yellow, metal base, gold int. and wing, clear windows, chrome engine, gold, white and black design w/stripes on hood, w/”68”, “Phillipsburg KS’ and “First Response” on sides os5, Th. Fire Rods #5 (2009) 2 – 5
v. mf white, chrome plastic base, black int. and bed cover, red windows, ivory, gold, and brown flames on sides, stripes and flames on hood, pr5bk/rd-rim, Mal. Heat Fleet #118 (2009) 1 – 2
w. white, metal base, mf gold windows, black int. and wing, chrome engine, gold and black police design w/”Police” and “53” on sides and roof, sp5, Th. Cop Rods #23 (2009) 30 – 75
w.2. satin tan, metal base, black int., red windows, white, yellow, brown and black camouflage, US Army logos, “Army Strong” on hood and sides, sp5, Th, Military Rods #14 (2009) 25 – 50
x. black, chrome base, red int. and bed cover, clear windows, red and silver stripes on hood and sides, pinstripe flames on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Valentine’s Day 6-pack (2010) 1 – 3
y. red, as x, black int. and bed cover, black replaces red in design, sp5gd, Mal. Valentine’s Day (2010) 1 – 3
z. mf black, chrome base, tan int. and bed cover, tinted windows, gold and silver stripes w/“SS396” on hood and sides, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania #104 (2011) 1 – 2
aa. orange, as z, black int., and bed cover, clear windows, black and white stripes design, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania #104 (2011) 1 – 2
aa2. orange, as aa, sp5rl, Mal. Muscle Mania #104 Walmart excl.(2011) 1 – 2
ab. mf white, chrome base and engine, gray int., clear windows, blue, yellow, red, and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Fort Worth Fire”, 24 and badge on sides, “Fort Worth” on hood, sp5, Mal. HW Main Street #157 (2011) 1 – 2
ac. mf yellow, as ab, black int., chrome engine, blue windows, black, gold, and red design, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Main Street #157 (2011) 1 – 2
ac2. mf yellow, as ac, gray engine, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Team Hot Wheels (2011) 1 – 2
ad. mf purple, tinted chrome base, black int. and bed cover, clear windows, met purple stripes w/“SS396” on hood and sides, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania #104 (2011) 1 – 2
ae. mf bronze, as z, tinted chrome base, black int. and bed cover, clear windows, black and silver design, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Mystery Models #19 (2012) 1 – 2
af. orange, tinted chrome base, dk gray int. and engine, blue windows, blue and white stripes and “2” on hood, bed cover, and sides, “Shark Patrol” on sides, pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. Thrill Racers – Beach # 209 (2012) 1 – 2
ag. lt. blue, gold chrome base, black int. and bed cover, orange windows, yellow, pink, and purple paisley design on hood and sides, “Soul Record Shop” on sides, sp5yw, Mal. HW Jukebox #15 (2013) 1 – 3
ah. mf brown, chrome base, black int. and bed cover, tinted windows, black, white, and ivory stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Toffee Taffy” on sides, pr5, Mal. Sweet Rides #6 (2014) 2 – 4
ai. blue, chrome base, dk. gray int., tinted windows, silver and black stripes, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Off-Road HW Hot Trucks #122 (2015) 1 – 2
aj. unpainted, as ai. black int., dk. green and gold stripes, mc5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Off-Road HW Hot Trucks #122 Walmart #1 (2015) 2 – 4
ak. mf dk red, as ai, black int., mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. multi-pack only (2016) 2 – NA
al. mf rose, chrome base, silver int., clear windows, red and orange flames on hood, rear deck and sides, sp5, Mal. Retro Target excl. (2016) 1 – 2
am. mf orange, chrome base, black int., yellow windows, balck and orange flames on sides, sp5gd, Th. HW Flames (2016) 2 – NA
an. mf red, chrome base, dk gray int., clear windows, black, white, and gold stripes on hood and sides, slt8, Mal. Muscle Mania #216 (2017) 1 – 2
ao. mf green, as an, black, white, and green stripes, slt8, Mal. Muscle Mania #333 (2017) 1 – 2
ap. mf green, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, burgundy, pink, white, and blue lightning bolt on sides, mc5/bu-rim, Indo. HW Hot Trucks 5-pack (2019) 2 – NA
aq. mf pink, black base and int., tinted windows, white and black camouflage design on hood and sides, sp5/wh-rim, Mal. Camouflage #5 Walmart excl. (2020) 1 – 3
ar. silver, chrome base, black int., red windows, red, white and blue stripes and stripes on hood and sides, “7” on sides, stl8/rd, Th. Star & Stripes #6 (2020) 1 – 3
as. mf gold, dk. gray base, gray int., tinted windows, black, white, and orange design, basketball and “HW sports on sides, stl8/or, Indo. HW Sports 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
at. black, silver base and int., clear windows, sp5gd, Mal. Flying Customs Target excl. (2021) 2 – 4
au. mf aqua, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, gray and white stripes on hood and sides, mc5/gd-rim, Mal. Rod Squad #196 (2022) 1 – 2
av. zamac as au, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, brown and white stripes on hood and sides, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. Rod Squad #196 Walmart excl. #15 (2022) 2 – 4
av2. zamac as av, Zamac 6 Car Gift set (2023) 3 – NA