’69 Camaro – 71mm – 2008

Made in Thailand this Chevy has a metal body and base, plastic interior and windows.
Also known as: Marc Donohue’s ’69 Sunoco Camaro, ’69 Chevy Camaro.

** spec red, flat black metal base, white int., clear windows, silver and white striped flames on hood and truck, stripes on sides, details, rr5spgy/ch-rim, Mal. toy fair (2007) 50 – 110
a. spec. red, metal base, black in., tinted windows, white stripes on sides, hood, roof, and truck sp5rl. Classics series 4 w/button #15 $2 – 5
b. spec gold, as a, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 4  #15 2 – 5
c. spec black, as a, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 4  #15 2 – 5
d. spec blue, as a, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 4  #15 2 – 5
e. spec blue and white, flat black base, white int., blue windows, red and white design w/stripes on hood and truck, “40” on hood and roof support, Hot Wheels logo and race decals on sides, rr5spbk/ch-rimgyt, Ch. HWC Real Riders  LE10000 (2008) 15 – 20
f. mf lt. blue, black base, white int., and clear windows, black and white flames and stripes on top and sides, os5, Mal. Treasure Hunts #172 (2009) 5 – 10
 f2. spec lt. blue, as f, rr5sp, Mal. Trea$ure Hunt$ #172 (2009) 15 – 30
 g. blue and dk. blue, black base, blue int., clear windows, silver and orange stripes on sides, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage #17 (2009) 4  – 6
** with LRW etched on base. 5 – 10
 h. orange, black base, white int., tinted windows, white stripes on hood and sides, w/”Hotchkis” on sides, os5, Mal. Muscle mania series #077 (2009) 2 – 3
h2. orange, as h, clear windows, os5, Mal. Muscle Mania #077 (2009) 20 – 30
i. spec red, black roof, black int., clear windows, black and orange stripes on hood and sides, Nationals logo on roof, details, rr5sp, Ch. 9th Annual Collectors Nationals LE3000 (2009) 25 – 30
 j. orange, as g, silver int., black and white stripes on hood, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage #17 (2009) 4  – 6
** with LRW etched on base. 5 – 10
 k. satin black, black base, red int., clear windows, gold and red stripes on sides, lgrrbk/rd-rim, Mal. Larry’s Garage series #17 (2009) 4  – 6
** with LRW etched on base. 5 – 10
 l. mf purple, as h, dk. gray base and int., replaces white in design, os5, Mal. Muscle Mania #077 (2009) 2 – 3
m. yellow and black, black base and int., clear windows, LRW etched on base, orange and red stripes and silver “Camaro” on hood and sides, dk. gray flames on sides, lgrrgyt, Mal. Larry’s Garage 30-car set (2009) 5 – NA
n. mf yellow, chrome base, white int., tinted windows, gold stripes on hood and sides, w/”Hotchkis” on sides, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania series #077 (2009) 2 – 3
o. mf silver, black base, white int., clear windows, red, and green stripes on top and sides, Wreath on hood, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage holiday cars #5 (2009) 3 – 6
p. pearl white and yellow, black base and int., clear windows, gray and red stripes on sides, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage #17 (2009) 4  – 6
** with LRW etched on base. 5 – 10
p3. pearl white and lt. yellow, as p, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage #17 (2009) 10 – 20
q. black, gray metal base, black int., tinted windows, flat black stripes on top and sides, rr5spgy/ch-rimrl, Mal. Phil’s Garage #12  (2010) 3 – 5
** with PR etched on base.  5 – 7
 r. mf white, as q, orange int., clear windows, orange stripes on top and sides, rr5spgy/ch-rim, Mal. Phil’s Garage #12  (2010) 3 – 5
** with PR etched on base.  5 – 7
s. mf blue, as q, white int., clear windows, white stripes on top and sides, PR etched on base,  rr5sp, Mal. Garage 30-car set – Phil’s #12  (2010) 4 – NA
s2. mf blue, as s, black PR etched on base,  Garage 30-car set – Phil’s #12  (2010) 4 – NA
 t. mf yellow, as q, clear windows, black stripes on top and sides, rr5spbk/ch-rim, Mal. Phil’s Garage #12  (2010) 4 – 6
** with PR etched on base.  5 – 7
u. candy blue, metal base, silver int., tinted windows silver stripes on hood and trunk, 24th Convention logo on roof, details, rr5sp, Th. 24th Annual Collectors Convention LE2400 #3 (2010) 15 – 25
 v. spec red, chrome metal base, white int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, neo, Th. RLC sELECTIONs #2 LE4748 (2010) 15 – 25
 w. mf burgundy, chrome base, black int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, details, mc5, Mal. Street Beast #88 (2011) 1 – 2
x. dk. blue, flat black roof,  metal base, black int., clear windows, white, yellow, black and red, “6” on hood, trunk, and sides, “Sunoco Camaro” and decals on sides, tarrywgyt, Th. Vintage Racing #27 (2011) 15 – 30
 y. yellow, flat black roof, black base and int., clear windows, gold and tan print stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, sp5, Mal. Cars of the Decades – The ’60s (2012) 2 – 6
 z. candy blue, flat black roof, flat black metal base, black int., tinted windows, flat black stripes on hood and trunk, gtrrrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Boulevards – Big Hits (2012) 3 – 8
 aa. zamac, metal base, black int., clear windows, red and black stripes and “8” on sides, bw, Th. Flying Customs (2013) 3 – 6
 ab. mf black, chrome base, black int., clear windows, details on sides, mc5, Mal. multi-pack only (2014) 2 – NA
 ac. mf green, black base and int., clear windows, yellow Easter stripes on top and sides, black and white stripes and “14” on hood and sides, “Easter 2014”, mc5bk/yw-rim, Mal. Happy Easter #1 (2014) 1 – 3
 ad. unpainted, black roof, tinted chrome base, black int., orange windows, orange, red, and white Hot Wheels design, “5” on roof and sides, sp10rrgy/ch-rim, Mal. Collectors Edition #5 Walmart Race Rewards (2014) 5 – 15
 ae. mf burnt orange, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and silver stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, “969” on sides. prr, Mal. Heritage – Real Riders #13 (2015) 2 – 5
 af. black, chrome base, lt. blue int., clear windows, blue and white stripes on hood and sides, mc5bk/ch-rim, Th. Camaro Fifty #2 (2017) 1 – 3
 ag. pearl yellow, metal base, lt. gray int., tinted windows, white roof, details, rr10sp, Th. 50 Favorites #9 (2018) 3 – 6
ah. mf satin blue, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, white stripes on hood and sides, sp5, Indo. Fast and Furious 5-pack (2020) 2 – NA
ai. spec green, tinted base, black int., tinted windows, white stripes on sides, id5rl, Mal. HWid (2020) 3 – 6
am. mf white, black base, lt brown int., tinted windows, brown, gold, and gray flames on hood and sides, stl8/gd-rim, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
an. lt blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, white stripes on hood and sides, detailed front and rear, rr5sp, Th. Fast and Furious Mix 2 #1 (2023)
ao. red, black base and int., tinted windows, white stripes on hood and trunk, “1” on hood and sides, detailed front and rear, pr5gd, Mal. Fast & Furious #3 #4 (2023)

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