This Malaysia made 5-door station wagon has a metal body and base, plastic interior and windows.
Note: There are three grille versions found on most models: smooth, coarse mesh and fine mesh.
a. teal gray body and base, black int., tinted windows, details. rr5sprd/ch-rim. Boulevards $20 – 60
b. red, black base and int., clear windows, mesh grille, black and white stripes “0” and decals on sides, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #206 (2014) 1 – 3
c. spec red, as b, rrftabk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Garage #206STH (2014) 45 – 90
d. mf yellow, chrome base, gray int., blue windows, red, white, green, and black stripes on top and sides, “71” on hood and sides, decals on sides, os5bk/wh-rim, Mal. HW Workshop – Night Burnerz #202 (2015) 2 – 5
e. black, metal base, black int., clear windows, 29th Convention logo on roof, orange stripes on hood and sides, decals on sides, details, tarror/ch-rim, Th. 29th Annual Convention #1 LE2400. (2015) 30 – 60
f. black, as d, tan int., tinted windows, red, met green, and ivory design, “71” on sides, os5gy, Mal. HW Workshop – Night Burnerz #202 Kmart excl.(2015) 4 – 10
g. black, metal base, red int., tinted windows, red and white design, “0” and “Speedhunter” on hood, stripes, “Advan” and decals on sides, rrcl4bk/or-rim, Mal. Japan Historics #2 (2016) 20 – 30
h. blue, black base and int., clear windows, orange, black, and white stripes and “71” on hood and sides, sp5rd, Mal. Surf’s Up #277 (2017) 1 – 2
i. blue, metal base, red int., tinted windows, yellow, red, white, stripes on top and sides, “17” on hood and sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides, rrcl4/rd-rim Mal. Brazil and Mexico Conventions LE3000 each Only the Packaging is different. (2017) 50 – 90
j. zamac, as h, yellow windows, orange, black, and yellow design, sp5yw, Mal. Surf’s Up Zamac #14 Walmart excl. (2017) 4 – 12
k. mf lt. bluer metal base, black int., clear windows, red and white stripes on top and sides, “Datsun” on sides rr4cl, Th. 50th Favorites #5 (2019) 5 – 10
l. mf lt green, chrome base, yellow int., clear windows, white and yellow flower design on top and sides, mc5bk/gn-rim, Mal. Mystery Models 3 #1 (2018) 5 – NA
m. spec blue, metal base, lt. blue int., tinted windows, blue side panels, orange and white stripes on top and sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides, rrcl4, Th. 32nd Collectors Convention LE6000 (2018) 20 – 40
n. dk olive, chrome base, white int., tinted windows, gold, gray and white pinstripes pattern, and “Hot Wheels” in Japanese on top and sides, gray lwgd, Indo. Speed Blur 5-pack (2019) 3 – NA
n2. dk olive, as, n, gray lwcp, Indo. Speed Blur 5-pack (2019) 3 – NA
o. satin silver, gold base, gold chrome int., blue windows, orange, gold and met blue stripes and “51” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Satin & Chrome #3 (2019) 1 – 3
p. black and yellow, black metal base, black int., tinted windows, multi-color Mooneyes design on hood, roof, and sides, rr5sp, Th. Japan Convention LE5100 (2019) 150 – 225 ** Face left in package – 525
q. spec green, black base and int., clear windows, black and white stripes “0” and decals on sides, “0” and “Speed Hunter” on hood, rr8tabk/or-rim, Mal. Hot Wheels Tribute excl. (2018) 40 – 80
q. red, chrome base, black int., clear windows, blue, white checkerboard on roof, stripes on sides, “3” on hood and sides, adgd rear / adbu front, Mal. Mystery Models series 3 #3 Bronze Chase (2019) 4 – NA
r. dk. aqua body and base, black int., clear windows, black and ivory stripes “0” and decals on sides, “0” on hood, rrcl4or/ch-rim, Th. Nissan 4-car set (2020) 15 – NA
s. red, black base and int., tinted windows, black and yellow stripes and , “Momo” on top and sides, stl8/yw, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #146 (2020) 1 – 2
t. black, as s, red base and int., red and yellow stripes, stl8/yw, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #146 (2020) 1 – 2
u. yellow as s, red, black and yellow design, stl8/rd, Mal. HW Speed Graphics #146 (2020) 1 – 2
v. lt brown, black base, brown int. tinted windows, brown stripes on hood and roof, blue and pink flowers on hood sides, mc5/gold rim, Indo. Nightburnerz 5 pack (2021) 2 – NA
w. zamac, black base and int. clear windows, blue and red stripes on sides, white spot sides, sp5/rd-rim, Mal. Zamac 6 car set (2022) 3 – NA
x. mf purple, chrome base, white int. blue windows, white designs, “Datsun”, and “510” on hood, roof, and sides, sp4rwh, Mal. HW Wagons #235 (2023) 1 – 2
y. spec pink, chrome base, white int. blue windows, white designs, “Datsun”, and “510” on hood, roof, and sides, rrcl4wh/pk-rim, Mal. HW Wagons #235 Super Treasure Hunt (2023) 25 – 50
z. white, black base and int., tinted windows, black and red designs and writing on hood and sides. detailed front and rear, st5gd, Mal. Hot Wagons #3 (2024) 2 – 5
aa. black, chrome base, white int., blue windows, pink and purple camouflage designs on hood, roof, and sides. detailed front and rear, ns6pk, Th. Neon Speeders #2 (2024) 2 – 5