’83 Chevy Silverado – 79mm – 2008

This Thailand made of a 1983 Chevy Silverado was first introduced with a metal body and base, plastic interior and windows.

a. spec red, metal base, black int., clear windows, white panels on sides and tailgate, gold “Silverado” on front fenders, os5bk/rd-rim. Modern Classics #7 (2008) $30 – 60
b. mf white and lt. blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, blue, yellow, red, and white, police design w/”Emergency Pursuit” and “N9000” on sides, “North Olmsted N9000” on roof, os5, Th. Cop Rods #8 (2009) 75 – 100
b2. mf white and blue, as b, os5, Th. Cop Rods #8 (2009) 15- 250
c. yellow and white, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red, white, blue, and black Annapolis Fire Rescue design os5bk/yw-rim, Th. Fire Rods #16 (2009) 250 – 450
d. powder coat black and gray, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, black, and silver stripes and star on sides, os5bk/rd-rim, Th. Military Rods #25 (2009) 150 – 300
e. spec green, chrome metal base, chrome int., clear windows, chrome and white panels on sides and tailgate, details, rrww, Ch. RLC Real Riders series 9 #6 LE3000 (2009) 750 – 1500
f. flat black and red, metal base, white int., clear windows, black and white Edelbrock design, prr, Th. Slick Rides Delivery #8 (2010) 25 – 40
g. mf gold, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red, black and white panel design on hood and sides, a heart and HW logo on sides, os5bkrd-rim, TH. Valentine’s Day single (2010) 20 – 40
’83 Chevy Silverado (h) h. candy blue, chrome plastic base, white int., blue windows, red, orange and white Hot Wheels race design w/ “4” on sides, stripes on roof, hood, and sides, mc5, Mal. HW Racing #156 (2011) 3 – 7
i. black. as h, gray int., red, orange and silver Hot Wheels race design, mc5, Mal. HW Racing #156 (2011) 5 – 15
’83 Chevy Silverado (j) j. blue, metal base, dk. blue int., yellow windows, red, orange, and yellow stripes on hood and sides, ho, Th. The Hot Ones (2012) 20 – 30
’83 Chevy Silverado (k) k. red. chrome base, black int., clear windows, white and yellow stripes on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Cars of the Decades – The ’80s (2012) 5 – 8’83 Chevy Silverado (l) l. mf purple, chrome base, silver int., clear windows, black and silver stripes on sides, green and white flames on hood, roof, and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Showroom – Hot Trucks #166 (2013) 1 – 3
’83 Chevy Silverado (m) m. orange, as l, black int., black and gold stripes on sides, flames on hood, roof, and sides, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Showroom – Hot Trucks #166 (2013) 1 – 3
’83 Chevy Silverado (n) n. mf brown, gold chrome base, black int., tinted windows, green, gold, and tan designs on hood, roof, tailgate, and sides, “Big Sur Redwoods” on sides, pr5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW Road Trippin’ – Highway 1 #22 (2014) 3 – 7
’83 Chevy Silverado (o) o. mf yellow, chrome base, black int., clear windows, white, black, and gold stripes on sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Hot Trucks #136 (2014) 5 – 10
’83 Chevy Silverado (p) p. spec yellow, as o, added hood and roof design, rr5spbk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Hot Trucks #136STH (2014) 20 – 40
’83 Chevy Silverado (q) q. mf lt. green, as o, gold, green, and yellow stripes on sides, pr5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Hot Trucks #136 Kmart excl. (2014) 6 – 12
’83 Chevy Silverado (r) r. orange, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, black and white stripes and Fram logo on hood and sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW City – HW Performance #16 (2015) 1 – 3
’83 Chevy Silverado (s) s. mf white, orange windows, pr5bk/or-rim, Mal. HW City –  HW Performance #16 TRU excl. (2015) 1 – 3
’83 Chevy Silverado (t) t. mf blue, chrome base, black int., blue windows, white and blue panels on sides, pr5, Mal. Hot Trucks 5-pack (2016) 5 – NA
 u. orange, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, black, brown, and tan camouflage design on sides, pr5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Camouflage Trucks #3 (2107) 1 – 4
 v. black, chrome base, red int., clear windows, white, red, and gold stripes on sides, pr5, Mal. Chevy Trucks 100 Years #2 (2018) 1 – 3
w. red, metal base, silver int., tinted windows, black pinstripe on hood, tan and silver panels on sides, details, rr5sp, Th. 18th Annual Collectors Nationals #2 LE 5000 (2018) 40 – 80
x. red, chrome base, black int. ,clear windows, black, white and yellow stripes on hood and sides, “83” and decals on sides, sp5, Mal. Decades #3 (2018) 1 – 3
y. black, metal base, red int., tinted windows, red stripes on hood and sides, white “Borla Exhaust We build Excitement”, #12 on sides, rr5sp, Th. Car Culture – Shop Trucks #3 (2018) 40 – 80
 z. mf blue, metal base, rex int., tinted windows, red, yellow, and white panels on hood and sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides, rr5sp, Th. 50th Anniversary wall display (2018) 25 – NA
aa. mf yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and white stripes on hood and sides, pr5/ch-rim, Th. American Pickup #5 (2019) 1 – 3
ab. mf brown, chrome base, black int., yellow windows, black, olive, yellow, and white graffiti design on top and sides, “G” on roof, pr5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Art Cars 247 (2019) 1 – 3
ac. gulf blue, metal base, pearl white pmt., tinted windows, blue and orange stripes and Gulf logo on hood and sides, prr, Th. Pop Culture – Fuelers #2 (2020) 3 – 6
ad. spec pink, metal base, black int., tinted windows, black, gold and white stripes on hood and sides, rr5spbk/ch-rim, Mal. Legends Tour (2021) 35 – 65
ae. black, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red stripes on hood and sides, “Borla” on sides, details, rr5sp, Th. Car Culture – Borla Trucks set (2021) 7 – NA
af. mf green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black, lt green and yellow stripes on top and sides, mc5, Mal. HW Hot Trucks #114 (2022) 1 – 3
ag. mf red, as af, tinted windows, black, red, and white stripes on top and sides, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. Red Editions #114 (2022) 2 – 6
ah. mf blue, metal base, gray interior, clear windows, black, gray, and white stripes on sides, detailed front and rear rr5sp, Th. Collectors Convention #1 (2022) 30 – 60
ai. black, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, orange, red, and silver stripes on sides and rear, pr5, Mal. HW Slammed #191 (2023) 1 – 2
aj. mf dk gray, chrome base, gray int., green windows, green, white, and yellow stripes and flames on hood and sides, pr5/gn-rim, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2024) 2 – NA
ak. black, metal base, black int., tinted windows, gray and white designs on hood and sides, rr5sp/wh-rim, Ch. Japan Convention LE 7000 (2024) 25 – 50

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