Made in China this truck has a metal base with a plastic body, interior, and windows.
Also known as: HW Armored Truck.
a. gray, metal base, black int., tinted windows red and white Hot Wheels logo, white “Don’t Get Held Up!” on sides, sp5. Action Pack Police Force set $4 – NA
b. gray, lt. blue, black, green, red, yellow and purple design w/earth, “Global IT Information Security” and “Lexmark” on sides, design on hood, rrgygyt, Mal. Lexmark, LE in box (2000) 12 – 15
c. black, yellow windows, white and gold design w/”Always Safe”, “Armored Transport”, “Driver Only Carries Hot Wheels Cars” and numbers on sides, “Always Safe” and numbers on hood, large sp5, Mal. #185 (2001) 1 – 3
c2. black, as c, smaller sp5 in front. #185 (2001) 2 – 3
d. flat black, metal base, white int., red windows, silver, gold and white “Department Of Defense, DOD” on sides and hood and “Planet Hot Wheels® .com” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Fed Fleet #112 (2002) 2 – 4
e. flat black, gold base, green int., green windows, yellow, green, white and gold flames w/”The Rolling Dough Armored Transport” on sides, “3” and “$” on hood and sides, sp5gd, Ch. Hot Haulers® 5-pack (2003) 2 – NA
f. yellow, silver base, green int., red windows, orange, red and black flames and Hot Wheels® logo on sides, on sides, sp5gd, Th. Chrome Burnerz 5-pack (2004) 2 – NA
f2. yellow, as f, metal base, sp5gd, Th. Chrome Burnerz 5-pack (2004) 2 – NA
g. chrome, as f, black int., and rear doors, sp5gd, Th. Chrome Burnerz 5-pack (2004) 2 – NA
h. green, black metal base, yellow int., yellow windows, chrome rear door, multicolor camouflage and god “Hot Wheels” on sides, sp5, Ch. Urban 5-pack (2006) 2 – NA
i. blue, metal base, yellow int. and windows, chrome rear door, yellow, black and silver flames w/ “S.W.A.T.” and police badge on sides, sp5, Ch. Police Patrol 5-pack (2007) 2 – NA
j. silver, metal base, black int., green windows, gray, blue, white and red carnival design w/”The Joker” on sides, sp5bk, Mal. Action Duos 2-pack (2008) 4 – NA
k. gold chrome, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, red, and yellow, flames on sides, “Chrome Brunerz Security Company Since 1968” on hood and sides, os5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW City Works series #110 (2009) 1 – 2
l. chrome, as k, yellow windows, green replaces red in design, os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW City Works series #110 (2009) 1 – 2
m. red, metal base, black int., clear windows, yellow, black and white Paramedic design on sides, sp5, Mal. Race World – City #184 (2009) 1 – 2
m2. red as m, orange replaces yellow in design, sp5, Mal. Race World – City #184 (2009) 1 – 2
n. blue, metal base, black int., orange windows, white, red and silver stripes w/Hot Wheels logo and “Armored Transport” on sides, sp5, Mal. HW Video Games Heroes #229 (2011) 1 – 2
o. chrome, metal base, black int., blue windows, black “Gotham City” on sides, os5bk/ch-rim Th. Batman 5-pack (2012) 2 – NA
p. pearl yellow, metal base, black int., brown windows, black, blue, red, and silver design w/”Armored Transport” on sides, j5bk/ch-rim Mal. HW City – HW City Works #48 (2013) 1 – 2
q. lt. green, metal base, black int., blue windows, orange, black, blue, and white stripes, “Armored Bank Service” and “Unit 14” on sides, sp5, Th. Police Pursuit 5-pack (2014) 2 – NA
q2. lt. green, as q, sp5bu, Th. 3-pack (2015) 2 – NA
r. blue, flat black metal base, dk. orange int., orange windows, black, silver, and orange stripes, and “SWAT” on hood and sides, “Police” on hood, “HW Police Department” on sides, sp5gy, Mal. HW Rescue #182TH (2019) 2 – 4
s. chrome, metal base, blue int., blue windows, blue, yellow and white “Hot Wheels Reserve” and happy face on sides, sp5gy, Mal. HW Metro #31 (2020) 1 – 2
t. red, as s, yellow int., yellow windows, black, gold and white design, sp5gd, Mal. HW Metro #31 (2020) 1 – 2
u. blue, Satin gold metal base, black int., tinted windows, silver, and gold design and “Hw City” on sides, stl8/or, Indo. HW City 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
v. blue, black metal base, black int., tinted windows, black, gold, and white Police designs with “27” on hood and sides, st5/ch-rim, Th. Batman Theme Series Mix 3 (2024) 2 – 4
r. is sp5gy, not sp5bk
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