Audacious – 64mm – 2003

This Malaysia made fantasy tuner has metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
Note: This model was used in the Color Shifters line.
Audacious (a) a. mf black, black base, gray int., orange windows, silver, orange and black design w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, “Audacious” on hood, y5. 2003 First Edition, #044
 b. mf silver,  black base, blue int., clear windows, multicolor design w/Hot Wheels logo, “Yu-Gi-Oh!” and “Summoned Skull” on hood, w/Hot Wheels logo and “Yu-Gi-Oh!” on sides, y5bl, Mal. Yu-Gi-Oh! Entertainment 2-pack (2004)
 c. mf white, chrome base, white int., orange windows, yellow, orange and red flames on hood, sides and roof, Hot Wheels on sides, Hot Wheels 04 T-Hunt logo on roof, rr, Mal. Treasure Hunt #111 (2004)
Audacious (d)Audacious (d)2 d. mf green drivers side, blue passenger side, chrome base, gray int., tinted windows, black design w/Hot Wheels logo on hood, y5, Ch. Dual Cool 5-pack (2005)
Audacious (e) e. mf blue, chrome base and exhaust, gray int., tinted windows, black, silver, red and white design w/Hot Wheels logo on passenger side, y5, Ch. Dual Cool 5-pack (2005)
 f. mf blue, black base, red int., red windows, red, yellow, white and blue design on sides and hood, fte, Mal. Bone Blazers #082 (2006)
 f2. mf blue, as f, y5gd, Mal. Bone Blazers #082 (2006)
 g. mf red, black base, chrome int., black windows, black and white design w/“Audacious” on sides, y5gd, Mal. Code Car #088 (2007)
g2. mf red, as g, pr5gd, Mal. Code Car #088 (2007)
 h. black, as g, red and white tampo, y5, Mal. Code Car  #088 (2007)
Audacious (i) i. green plastic body, metal base, black int., yellow windows, yellow, white, and blue graffiti design on side, pr5yw, Th. Graffiti Rides 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
Audacious (j) j. mf green plastic, mf gold metal base, lt. tan int., clear windows, olive, brown and black scales on sides, os5gn, Th. Street Beast 5-pack (2103) 2 – NA
 j2. mf green plastic, as j,, Th. Street Beast 5-pack (2103) 2 – NA
Audacious (k) k. green, gray base, yellow int., blue windows, blue, white, and yellow soccer design on hood, roof, and sides, os5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW City HW Goal #19 (2014) 1 – 2
Audacious (l) l. yellow, as k, black base, green int., black, white, and green soccer design, os5bk/gn-rim, Mal. HW City HW Goal #19 (2014) 1 – 2
 i2. yellow, as l, no white in soccer ball behind rear wheel, os5bk/gn-rim, Mal. HW City HW Goal #19 (2014) 1 – 2
Audacious (m) m. blue, black base, white int., blue windows, blue, lt. blue and black scales on sides, os5bk/wh-rim, Mal. Mystery Models #9 intl. (2015) 2 – 4
Audacious (o) o. mf burnt orange, as m, tinted windows, orange, red, and black scales on sides, os5bk/wh-rim, Mal. multi-pack only (2016) 2 – NA
 p. red, black base and int., tinted windows, white, gray, and black design on top and sides, “Halloween” on sides, logo and stripes on hood, silver os5/bk-rim, Mal. Happy Halloween #2 (2016) 1 – 3
 q. white, chrome base, red int., tinted windows, black, brown, and red stripes and decals on sides, os5bk/rd-rim, Th. Night Burnerz 5-pack (2016) 2 – NA
 r. white, black base and int., green windows, black, brown, tan, and red design and “HW Pizza” on sides, sp5rd, Mal. Pizza Palace playset (2016) 2 – NA
 s. black, red base and int., tinted windows, silver red and white Terror Dog design on sides, sp5rd, Th. Ghostbusters #5 Walmart excl. (2016) 1 – 3
 t. mf red, black base, orange int., blue windows, gold, blue, orange, and black design w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, “Audacious” on hood, sp5bl, Mal. multi-pack only (2017) 2 – NA
 u. plum, silver base and int., tinted windows, white, black, and silver stripes on top and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Mystery Models #5 (2017) 1 – 2
 v. flat orange, black base and int., blue windows, black, white, blue and white Star Wars design on hood and sides, os5rd, Th. Star Wars – Master and Apprentice #4 (2018) 1 – 2
 w. black, purple base and int., purple windows, pale purple, silver and white “Pawn”, checkerboard, and stripes design on top and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Checkmate #254 (2018) 1 – 2
 x. white, as w, pale purple, gold and black “Pawn”, design, pr5bk/wh-rim, Mal. Checkmate #363 (2018) 1 – 2
y. satin green, black base, pale blue int., clear windows, black, blue, orange, and yellow design Hot Wheels logo on sides, “Audacious A” on hood, fan5bu, Mal. multi-pack only (2019) 2 – NA
y2. satin green, as y, ra6bu, Mal. multi-pack only (2019) 2 – NA
z. mf brown, base, gold int., clear windows, black, white, and gold, stripes on top and sides, snowflakes and “HW Winter ‘19” on sides, pearl white sp5bk, Mal. Holiday Hot Rods #3 (2019) 1 – 2
aa. mf purple, black base and int., blue windows, silver and met blue stripes on hood and sides, ho, Mal. Flying Customs Target excl. (2020) 2 – 4
ab. red, black base and int., orange windows, black, ivory and blue art design on trop and sides, ivory ra6bk, Mal. HW Art Cars #89 (2021) 1 – 2
ac. silver, blue base, black int., blue windows, black, white, and red Hot Wheels design on sides, sp5bu, Th. Monster Trucks Monster Makers (2021) 5 – 10
ad. red, black base and int., yellow windows, yellow, black, green, and tan Robin design on sides, sp5, Mal. Batman #5/20 (2023) 2 – 4

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