This Hong Kong made 4-wheel drive Ford van with luggage rack has a metal body and base, plastic windows, interior and lift-up hood.
Also known as: Motocross Team (1979), Circus Cats (1981), The Simpson’s Family Camper (1990), Open Wide (1993) Tattoo Machines
a. gray, metal base, black int., blue windows, lift-up hood, red, blue, and yellow design “Baja Breaker” on sides, bw. $15 – 20
b. red, metal base, tinted windows, black plastic int., yellow, black and white Hot Wheels logo, “Motocross Team”, and bike rider on sides, bw, HK. Scene Machines $100 – 130
c. green, as a, yellow, blue, and white design (1980) 9 – 15
c2. green, as c, olive replaces blue in design (1980) 250 – 400
d. white, metal base, gray windows, black plastic int., yellow, black, and orange “Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus” and tiger on sides, bw, HK. Scene Machines 85 – 150
e. mf orange, as a, yellow, blue, and white design, HK (1983) 7 – 10
e2. mf orange, as e, Mal. (1983) 7 – 10
e3. mf orange, as e2, rrgygyt, Mal. (1983) 25 – 40
f. black, orange stripe on sides, bw, Mal. (1984) 5 – 8
f2. black, as f, rrgygyt (1984) 25 – 40
f3. black, as f, rrwhgyt (1984) 60 – 90
f4. black, as f, shut metal hood, ct (1989) 9 – 15
f5. black, as f4, bw (1989) 6 – 10
g. white, metal base, red int., clear windows, red and yellow stripes and A.T.V. racing design on sides, bw, Mal. Trailbusters bp (1989) 8 – 15
g2. white, as g, ct, (1989) 6 – 20 in #10 bp NA – 100
g3. white, as g2, orange replaces yellow in design, ct (1989) 4 – 10
g4. white as e, black int., blue windows, bw, Mal. Trailbusters bp (1989)
h. blue, metal base, clear windows, white plastic int., yellow, black and white stripes and signs on sides, ct, Mal. The Simpson’s Family Camper Scene Machines (1990) 8 – 10
h2. blue, as h, thicker stripes 10 – 12
h3. blue, as h, ctyw 8 – 10
h4. blue, as h2, ctyw 10 – 12
h5. blue, as h, ctwh 8 – 10
h6. blue, as h2, ctwh 10 – 12
i. dk. maroon and yellow, metal base, red int., clear window, red and white mouths w/teeth design, no roof rack, bw, Ch. Tattoo Machines (1993) 3 – 5
j. purple, metal base, red int., clear window, yellow polka dots on sides, bw, Ch. #128 (1997) 4 – 10
k. spec. purple, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, orange, yellow, and white stripes, Hot Wheels logo, Real Riders and details, ortgyt, Ch. HWC, LE10,000 (2004) 15 – 25
l. lt. blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, white, orange and blue flames on sides, ct5, Th. Classics series 1 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
m. spec. pink, as l, pink replaces orange in design, ct5, Th. Classics series 1 #15 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
n. spec. dk. blue, as l, green replaces blue in design, ct5, Th. lassics series 1 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
o. spec. red, as l, red replaces blue in design, ct5, Th. Classics series 1 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
p. spec. green, as l, green replaces blue in design, ct5, Th. Classics series 1 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
q. spec. orange, as l, black replaces blue in design, ct5, Th. Classics series 1 #15 (2005) 2 – 4
r. mf magenta, metal base, black int., tinted windows, green, lt. green and red flames, ct5, Mal. Flying Colors (2006) 2 – 4
s. mf lt. brown, as r, silver, black and red design, ct5, Mal. Flying Colors
(2006) 2 – 4
t. chrome, as r, purple int., purple window, red, yellow, orange and magenta design, ct5, Mal. Super Chromes (2006) 2 – 4
u. gold chrome, as r, silver, blue and lt. blue design, ct5, Mal. Super Chromes (2006) 2 – 4
v. mf silver, black base, black int., tinted windows, red, black and white design “Triple H” and World Wrestling Entertainment design, ct5bk, Mal. WWE #106 (2006) 2 – 4
w. mf blue, metal base, gray int., clear windows, light blue, blue and sliver design on sides, detailed luggage rack and lights on roof, ct5, Th. Since ’68 Top 40 (2007) 2 – 4
x. mf burnt orange, metal base, yellow int., clear windows, yellow, silver, and orange design on sides, silver lights and luggage rack, ct5, Th. 40 Anniversary 40-pack set 2 (2008) 3 – NA
y. mf purple, chrome plastic base, gray int., clear windows, red, orange and yellow flames and Hot Wheels logo on sides, ct5, Mal. Heat Fleet #119
(2009) 2 – 3
z. mf red, as y, yellow and white flames, ct5, Mal. Heat Fleet #119 (2009) 1 – 2
z2. mf red, as z, dk. yellow and white flames, ct5, Mal. Heat Fleet #119 (2009) 1 – 2
aa. satin blue, as y, blue windows, ct5, Mal. Heat Fleet #119 (2009) 1 – 2
ab. mf white, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, multicolor design w/stripes on sides and back, Cupid w/bow and arrow on sides, ct5, Mal. Valentine’s Day 6-pack (2010) 1 – 3
ac. mf black, as ab, red int., red windows, ct5, Mal. Valentine’s Day BP (2010)1 – 3
ad. mf lt. brown, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, yellow, silver, and red Mickey Thompson design, ortmt, Mal. Hot Wheels Delivery Slick Rides #19 (2010) 3 – 5
af. mf blue, gray base, white int., clear windows, multicolor Bounty Hunter design on sides, or10bkch-rim, Th. Monster Jam Monster Duo (2010) 3 – 6
ag. mf green, gray base, black int., clear windows, purple, white, yellow, and rd design w/ “85” and Baja” on sides, tan or10ch-rim, Th. Desert Race 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
ah. mf dk. blue, metal base, black int., yellow windows, yellow, red, and white design w/ “Baja Breaker” on sides, sp5, Th. The Hot Ones (2011) 2 – 4
ah2. mf dk. blue, as ah, sp5rl, Th. The Hot Ones (2011) 3 – 6
ai. unpainted, metal base, blue int., red windows, red, and blue design w/ Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5, Th. The Hot Ones 6-pack (2012) 4 – NA
aj. unpainted, metal base, black int., red windows, black, blue, white, and red, “HW12”, a star and open mouth with teeth on sides, orrr, Th. Nostalgic Brands – Nose Art (2012) 2 – 5
ak. mf blue, chrome base, black int., orange windows, yellow, orange, blue, and white stripes and Goodyear logo on sides, ct5, Mal. HW Performance #143 (2012) 1 – 2
ak2. mf blue, as ak, ct5rl, Mal. HW Performance #143 (2012) 1 – 2
al. matte silver, as ak, blue windows, blue, red, and orange stripes, ct5, Mal. HW Performance #143 Kmart excl. (2012) 1 – 3
am. pale green, metal base, black int., clear windows, multicolor Gongo Plumbing design, “Gonzo Plumbing” on hood, rear, and sides, “The Great Gongo” and “Discounts for Chicken!!!” on sides black trim, orrrrl, Th. Pop Culture Muppet s (2013) 2 – 5
an. unpainted, flat black metal base, orange int., clear windows, multicolor “The Muppet Show” and Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew characters on sides, ortrl, Th. Entertainment – The Muppets (2014) 2 – 5
ao. mf dk. yellow, black metal base, black int., tinted windows, multicolor Star Trek Scotty design on sides, ortrl, Th. Pop Culture – Star Trek 50th (2016) 2 – 5
i like satin blue baja breaker