Blvd. Bruiser – 78mm – 2011

This Malaysia made fantasy muscle car has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
Note: also used in the Color Shifter series.

Blvd. Bruiser (a) a. mf gold red, chrome base, black int., clear windows, white stripes on top, silver gas cap, sp5. 2011 New Models #34 $1 – 2
 b. mf purple, as a, pink stripes on top, silver gas cap. sp5, 2011 New Models #34 1 – 2
 b2. mf purple, as b, sp5rl. 2001 New Models #34 1 – 3
Blvd. Bruiser (c) c. mf blue, chrome base, white int., blue windows, white, yellow and red, Hot Wheels race design, “10” and Hot Wheels logo on hood and sides, stripes on roof, mc5, Mal. HW Racing – HW Race Team #108 (2013) 1 – 2
Blvd. Bruiser (d) d. yellow, gold chrome base, black int., clear windows, black, red, and gold flames and “Fire Chief” on sides, os5bk/rd-rim, Th. Flame Fighters 5-pack (2104) 2 – NA
Blvd. Bruiser (d2)d2. yellow, as d, pr5/rd-rim, Th. Flame Fighters 5-pack (2104) 2 – NA
Blvd. Bruiser (e) e. mf black, as c, tinted windows, white, black, and red, Hot Wheels race design, mc5bk/rd-rim, Mal. multi-pack only (2015) 2 – NA
Blvd. Bruiser (f) f. candy blue and white,  chrome base,, black int., tinted windows, red and yellow Hot Wheels logo on sides, Race to Win logo on hood, rr5sprl, Mal. Children’s Museum  excl. (2015) 5  – 10
Blvd. Bruiser (g) g. mf green, chrome base, black int., yellow windows, black, yellow, and green stripes on hood and sides, “Easter 2016” on hood, yellow mc5/cp-rim, Mal. Easter #4 (2016) 1 – 3
Blvd. Bruiser (h) h. mf red, chrome base, black int., blue windows, black, white, and blue, Spider-man design, “Spider-Man on sides, pr5bk/rd-rim, Mal. Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man vs. Sinister 6 (2016) 1 – 5
 j. mf blue, as c, sp5 rear / os5 front, Ch. Asst. playsets (2016) 5 – NA
 j2. mf blue, as j, sp5, Ch. Asst. playsets (2016) 5 – NA
 k. dk green ,mf gold metal base, black int., clear windows, gold and black design on hood and sides. sp5gd, Th. Justice League #5 (2017) 1 – 2
 l. olive green. chrome base, black int., blue windows, blue, green, and black Star Wars design on hood and sides, mc5bu, Th. Star Wars – Master and Apprentice #6 (2018) 1 – 2
m. blue, chrome base, orange int., clear windows, pink and yellow flames on hood and sides, “19” on roof, and sides, green sp5yw, Mal. Spring #4 (2019) 1 – 2
n. mf brown, chrome base, black int., yellow windows, black, white, yellow and tan Woody design on hood and sides, sp5yw, Th. Toy Story #1 (2019) 1 – 3
o. red, chrome base, black int., blue windows, blue, white and yellow stripes on hood and sides, “20” on roof and sides, , Mal. Flying Customs (2020) 2 – 6
p. purple, yellow metal base, yellow int., yellow windows, red, white, green and yellow graphics on top and sides, glow sp10bu, Th. Monster Trucks Epic Loop Challenge play set (2021) 10 – NA
q. gray plastic, metal base, black int., blue windows, blue and green stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, ra6gy, Th. Super Rigs (2023) 4 – NA
r. mf aqua, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, orange and yellow stripes and flames on sides, mc5/or-rim, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2024) 2 – NA

Color Shifter

#36 #36 BLVD. Bruiser

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