This Malaysia made cousin of the popular Bone Shaker has a metal body with a plastic base and interior.
a. candy blue, black base, chrome int., yellow, red, and white Hot Wheels racing team design and “8” on sides, os5rd. HW Race Team #7 $1 – 2
b. mf red, as a, yellow, silver, and white design, os5bk/rd-rim. HW Race Team #7 $1 – 2
c. white, aqua base, chrome int., blue, lt, blue, and yellow Z stripes on sides, glow-in-the-dark os5bu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #254 (2017) 1 – 2
d. mf gold, blue base, chrome int., black, white, yellow, and blue design w/”Bone Shaker” on sides, pr5yw, Indo. HW City 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
e. flat brown, black base, black chrome int., brown and white designs w/ “Hot Wheels” on sides, or6/gy-rim, Th. Rat Rig – Super Rigs (2022) 2 – NA
f. satin gold, black base, gold int., black and gold design and “22” on sides, os5/gd-rim Mal. Gold Edition (2022) 2 – 4
g. black, black base, chrome int., brown, gray, and white designs w/ “Hot Wheels” on sides, or6/gd-rim, Th. Rat Rig – Super Rigs (2023) 2 – NA
So the Gold Bone Speeder with 2015 date on the bottom is actually a 2022?
Dates on bottom is the year the first cast was made, not year of release.