Classic TV Series Batmobile – 53mm – 2022

Made in Malaysia this Tooned Batmobile has a metal body with a plastic base, interior and windows.
a. black, black base and int., tinted windows, red and silver stripes on top and sides, sp5. Tooned #78 $1 – 2
b. candy blue, as a, gray int.,gray and red stripes on top and sides, sp5gy. Tooned #78 $1 – 2
c. mf dk red, black base, gray int, orange windows, orange stripes on top and sides, os5or-rim. Batman #3 (2023) $1 – 2
d. spec red, black base, gray int, orange windows, orange stripes on top and sides, rr5sp/or-rim. Batman #3 Super Treasure Hunt (2023) $15 – 30
e. mf dk green, black base, gray int, blue windows, green and red stripes on top and sides, os5/bu-rim. Batman #3 (2023) $1 – 2

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