This Thailand made Volkswagen model has a metal body and base with a plastic interior and windows.
a. mf black and silver, metal base, black int., tinted windows, red and black stripes on top and Koni logo on sides, rr10sp. Hot Wheels Delivery #32 $5 – 7
b. mf white and blue, as a, blue and silver stripes on top and Koni logo on sides, rrstl, Th. Hot Wheels Delivery #32 (2010) 5 – 7
c. pearl magenta, metal base, black int., tinted windows, dk. red panel design w/flames on sides, hood, and roof. rrlgrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage – VW #03 (2011) 2 – 4
d. mf black, as c, dk. gray int., clear windows, yellow and red, design, rrlgrl, Mal. Hot Wheels Garage – VW #03 (2011) 2 – 4
e. mf lt. blue and white, metal base, white int., clear windows, multicolor Jolly Rancher design w/ fruit pieces on sides, prr, Th. Nostalgic Brands – Hershey’s (2012) 2 – 5
f. yellow and white, metal base, black int., clear windows, black, orange and white Daffy Duck, and “Looney Tunes on sides, prr, Th. Pop Culture -Looney Tunes (2013) 3 – 5
g. mf lt. yellow and white, metal base, black int., blue windows, blue, yellow, and white design w/”Peeps” on hood and sides, rr10spgdwl, Mal. Pop Culture -Just Born (2014) 2 – 4
h. sea green, chrome base, black int., clear windows, yellow, plum, and orange swirl design on hood, roof, and sides, “W” on roof, os5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Art Cars #192 (2016) 1 – 2
i. white, as h, orange windows, blue, green, and orange swirl design. os5bk/or-rim, Mal. HW Art Cars #192 Kmart excl. (2016) 1 – 3
j. mf red, as h, yellow windows, black, yellow, and gold swirl design. os5bk/gd-rim, Mal. HW Art Cars #192 (2016) 1 – 3
k. gray, metal base, black int., clear windows, black white, and brown stripes on top and sides, “3” on hood and sides, “Square Force 1 Speed Shop” and “Air-Cooled Import Specialist” on sides, rrcl4bz, Th. Car Culture – Air-Cooled #2 (2017) 1 – 2
l. satin blue, red base, white int., tinted windows, orange and white stripes and “Pinstriping” on sides, os5wh, Indo. HW Metro 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
m. mf dk. green, metal base, black int., clear windows, ivory and lt green stripes on top and sides, “Service VW” on sides, rrsc, Th. 50th Favorites #4 (2018) 2 – 6
n. satin black, aqua base, lt gray int., red windows, multicolor Sally character on roof and sides, sp5ma rear / sp5yw front, Indo. The Nightmare Before Christmas 25 Anni. #2 (2018) 1 – 3
o. mf purple, chrome base, pearl white int., tinted windows, ivory and gray scallops stripes on sides, os5, Mal. Volkswagen #137 (2019) 1 – 2
p. zamac, as o, black int., green windows, black and green design, stl8/gn, Mal. Volkswagen #137 Walmart excl. Zamac #12 (2019) 1 – 2
q. yellow, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, black and gold stripes on hood and sides, hogd, Mal. Flying Customs Target excl. (2020) 2 – 4
r. lt. blue, black base, brown int., tinted windows, black stripes on top and sides silver trim, adgy, Mal. Volkswagen #2 (2022) 1 – 3
s. zamac, black base and int., pink windows, orange, pink, and purple designs on hood and sides, uh, Mal. Ultra Hots Mix 2 #6 (2023) 2 – 4
t. lt. purple, chrome base, yellow int., blue windows, aqua, orange, purple and white designs with “6” and “Spring” on sides, adyw, Mal. Spring series #5 (2024) 2 – 4