Custom Volkswagen Beetle  – 67mm – 2007

Cast in Thailand this customized off-road Beetle has a metal body and base with a plastic engine and interior.
Also known as: Volkswagen Custom Beetle
Note: opening truck feature was removed in 2009
Note: This casting was retooled in 2016 with a plastic base and the sunroof was closed with a roof rack.

a. mf. green, white stripes on top of  hood and trunk, rr. Ultra Hots #18 (2007) $15 – 25
a2. mf. green, white stripes on top of  hood and trunk, rr. Mal. Ultra Hots #18 (2007) $15 – 25
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (b) b. flat black, as a, red panels on hood, trunk and sides, rr, Mal. Ultra Hots #25 (2007) 5 – 10
c. mf white, metal base, black int., tinted windows, blue, orange and red tampo on sides, hood and trunk, sp5rl, Th. Since 68 Hot Rods (2007)  2 – 6
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (d) d. mf red, metal base, black int., yellow windows, opening trunk, black and yellow flames on hood and sides, sp5gd, Mal. Heat Fleet #121 (2009) 2 – 3
d2. mf red, as d, no opening trunk, sp5gd, Mal. Heat Fleet #121 (2009) 2 – 3
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (e) e. mf green, as d2, gray int., clear windows, white, green, and silver flames on hood and sides, sp5, Mal. Heat Fleet #121 (2009) 2 – 3
f. mf purple, as e, pearl white int., os5bk/wh-rim, Mal. Heat Fleet #121 (2009) 2 – 3
 f2. mf purple, as f, sp5gyt, Mal. Heat Fleet #121 (2009) 3 – 5
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (g) g. mf silver and orange, metal base, purple int., purple windows, purple stripe on sides, lgrr, Mal. Larry’s Garage #5 (2010) 3 – 5
** with LRW etched in base. 5 – 7
g2. mf silver and dk. orange, as g, silver metal base, rose windows, lgrr, Th. Larry’s Garage #5 (2010) 3 – 5
h. mf lt. green and green, green int., green windows, yellow stripe on sides, lgrryl, Mal. Larry’s Garage #5 (2010) 3 – 5
** with LRW etched in base. 5 – 7
h2. mf lt. green, as h, lgrryl, Th. Larry’s Garage #5 (2010) 3 – 5
** with LRW etched in base. 5 – 7
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (i) i. black and flat black, flat black metal base, orange int., orange windows, orange stripe on sides, LRW etched in base, lgrrbk/gd-rim, Mal. Garage 30-car set Larry’s #5 (2010) 4 – NA
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (j) j. mf magenta, metal base, black int., blue windows, pink, purple and white design on sides, sp5gd, Th. Custom Car Show 5-pack (2010) 2 – NA
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (k) k. unpainted and red, silver metal base, dk. red int., tinted windows, lgrrgy, Th. Larry’s Garage #5 (2010) 3 – 5
** with LRW etched in base. 5 – 7
l. candy blue, metal base, black int., blue windows, yellow, orange and white flames on hood and sides, sp5, Th. Heat Fleet (2011) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (l2) l2. candy blue, as l, sp5rl, Th. Heat Fleet (2011) 1 – 2
m. mf burgundy, as l, yellow windows, pink and tan flames, sp5yw,  Mal. Heat Fleet Walmart excl. (2011) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (n) n. candy blue, metal base, white int., blue windows, red, white, and yellow Hot Wheels race design w/ “4” on hood and sides, os5bk/rd-rim, Mal. HW Racing #176 (2012) 1 – 2
o. mf purple, as n, silver int., clear windows, mc5bk/or-rim, Mal. HW Racing #176 (2012) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (p) p. mf white, as n, blue int., blue, red, and yellow design, sp5, Mal. HW Racing #176 Kmart excl. (2012) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (q) q. yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, black and white Moon Eyes design w/stripes on hood and sides, logo on sides, “Go with Moon” on roof, sp5, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Performance #247 (2014) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (r) r. unpainted, as q, satin black metal base, sp5yw, Mal. HW Workshop – HW Performance #247 Walmart excl. #16 (2014) 1 – 2
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (s) s. flat blue, metal base, brown int., clear windows, flat black and white design, “Hot Wheels” and VW logo on sides, mc5bk/or-rim, Th. Volkswagen 5-pack (2016) 3 – NA
Custom Volkswagen Beetle (s2) s2. flat blue as s, chrome plastic base. w/roof rack, mc5bk/or-rim, Th. Volkswagen 5-pack (2016) 2 – NA
 t. white, metal base, silver int., clear windows, blue, orange and gray stripes and “68” on hood and sides, decals on sides, rrgtrd/ch-rim, Th. Car Culture – Air-Cooled #1 (2017) 2 – 5
 y. mf dk. blue, chrome base, silver int. ,blue windows, white, orange, and silver stripes, “68”, and “Shark Spotter” on sides, sp5, Indo. Surf’s Up 5-pack (2017) 2 – NA
 v. red, black base, silver int., clear windows, white, brown and black camo design on hood and sides, stl8/wh, Mal. Volkswagen #69 (2098) 1 – 2
w. flat gray, brown base, black int., clear windows, blue, white, brown and black camo design on hood and sides, stl8/wh, Mal. Volkswagen #69 (2098) 1 – 2
x. mf red, chrome base, black int., clear windows, black, gold and white design on hood and sides, mc5 Mal. Gift-pack excl. (2020) 2 – NA
y. candy green, as x, green olive, and black design hood and sides, mc5, Mal. Gift-pack excl. (2020) 2 – NA
z. dk. yellow, as x, brown, purple and gold design hood and sides, mc5, Mal. Gift-pack excl. (2020) 2 – NA
  aa. flat green, lt. gray base and int., tinted windows, black and silver design, “Hot Wheels” and VW logo on sides, stl8/ch, Mal. multi-pack only (2021) 2 – NA
ab. pearl pink, metal base, black int., clear windows, blue, red, yellow and black floral design on hood and sides, Miss Piggy on sides, sp5rd, Th. The Muppets #3 (2021) 1 – 3
ac. lt. blue, silver base and int., clear windows, purple, orange and yellow stripes on sides, bw, Mal. Target Flying Custom (2020) 2 – 5
 ad. yellow, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, black and white Moon Eyes design w/stripes on hood, flames on sides, rrld, Th. Volkswagen 2-Pack (2021) 7 – NA
ae. black, lt. gray base and int., tinted windows, black and green design w/”Hot Wheels” and VW logo on sides, stl8/ch, Mal. multi-pack only (2022) 2 – NA
af. mf brown, silver base, black int., clear windows ivory panels on hood, trunk, and sides, ad, Mal. Volkswagen #6 (2022) 1 – 3
ag. mf satin gold, black base, gray int., clear windows, black and white design w/”Hot Wheels” and VW logo on sides, stl8/or, Mal. Multi-pack only (2023) 2 – NA
ah. lt. blue, chrome base, brown int., clear windows, black and brown wood design on hood and sides, stl8/gd, Mal. Mystery Series 2 #3 (2023) 3 – NA
ai. mf purple, black base, black int., tinted windows, black, blue, and white design w/ Hot Wheels and VW logos on sides, slt5/ch-rim, Mal. Multi-pack exclusive (2024) 2 – NA

3 thoughts on “Custom Volkswagen Beetle  – 67mm – 2007

  1. Hi everybody! That one from Indonesia is dark blue, not black. The last two on the list (the gray VW and the red VW) have chassis variations, as do the yellow Mooneyes VW as well. As for the Green Ultra Hots, it has one with Thayland chassis and one with Malaysia chassis plus a difference in green hue. Tk’s.

    • The last two on the list (the gray VW and the red VW) have chassis variations, as do the yellow Mooneyes VW as well. < what are the base variations

  2. The size of the letters of the script Custom Volksvagen Beetle, in the written form of the origin – MALAYSIA or Malaysia, a slight displacement of the Hot Wheels symbol to the right and the size of the letter “C” from the Copyright (C or c) to the Gray car and to the red car. As for the Moon, a model is written made in Malaysia in Italic, Custom Volkswagen Beetle and does not have the Hot Wheels logo. The variation is not in Italics, it is not written Custom Volswagen Beetle, but it has Hot Wheels logo (exactly like the zamac except in the color of the chassis – matte black).

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