Cyber Speeder – 73mm – 2018

This Malaysia made electric speedster has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
 a. mf purple, white base, gray int., blue windows, black, lt, blue, and met blue circuit board design on top, glo-wh ra5ltbu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #135 1 – 2
 b. red, yellow base, gray int., green windows, black, green and yellow circuit board design on top, glo-wh ra5ltgn, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #238 1 – 2
c. satin silver, white base, black int., blue windows, lt. blue, blue, and black stripes and “3” on top, pearl white adbu, Mal. HW Space #220TH (2019) 1 – 2
d. lt. mf green orange base silver int., yellow windows, black, orange and yellow stripes on top, glo-wh adgn, Mal. Multi-pack only (2020) 2 – NA
e. blue, lt. green base, gray int., green windows, silver design on top, blue, ad, Mal. multi-pack only (2021) 2 – NA
f. candy blue, gray base, white int., green windows, orange, green and white design on top, blue j5/wh-rim, Mal. Mystery Models 3 (2021) 2 – NA
g. red, white base, dark gray int., blue windows, white stripes with “Cyber Speeder” and livery on top, adwh, Mal. HW Turbo #137 (2022) 1 – 2
h. white, red base, dark gray int., tinted windows, black and red stripes with “Cyber Speeder” and livery on top, adbk, Mal. HW Turbo #137 (2022) 1 – 2
i. mf pink, white base, black int., tinted windows, aqua, black and white stripes with “One” on top, orange lwwh, Indo. Action 5-pack (2023) 2 – NA
j. black, gray base, black int., red windows, gray and red designs with “0068” and “Police” on top, ra6rd, Mal. Multi-pack Exclusive (2024) 2 – NA

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