This Malaysia made speedster model has a metal base with a plastic donut shape body, driver with wing.
a. brown and tan, mf pink metal base, pink int., red, white, yellow and blue sprinkles on top, turquoise sp5 rear / yellow sp5 front. Fast Foodie #108 1 – 2
b. red and tan, lt. blue metal baser, blue int., turquoise sp5 rear / yellow sp5 front. Fast Foodie #108 1 – 2
c. pink and white, orange metal base, blue int., green blue and white sprinkles and frosting on top, turquoise sp5wh, Mal. Fast Foodie #60 (2021) 1 – 2
d. blue and tan, mf pink metal base, orange int., orange, purple and white stars and frosting on top, yellow sp5wh, Mal. Fast Foodie #60 (2021) 1 – 2
e. pearl white and red, plum metal base, brown int., pink and red sprinkles on top, red sp5wh, Mal. Red Edition #60 (2021) 1 – 2
f. purple, mf orange base, orange and yellow int., white, blue, pink and yellow frosting on top, pink adwh, Mal. Fast Foodie #82 (2022) 1 – 2
g. yellow, mf orange base, purple and white int., white, aqua, pink and purple frosting on top, pink adwh, Mal. Fast Foodie #82 (2022) 1 – 2
h. orange, aqua base, pink and yellow int., white frosting on top, front: white sp5pr / rear: white sp5or, Mal. Sweet Rides #129, Treasure Hunt (2023) 2 – 4
i. green, white base, aqua and tan int., light aqua frosting on top, front: white sp5pr / rear: gold adwh, Mal. Fast Foodie #150 (2024) 1 – 2
#HotWheels #DonutDrifter #madebyMATTEL