Emergency Squad – 77mm – 1975

This Hong Kong made concept paramedic vehicle has a metal body, plastic base and windshield with interior.
Also known as: Ranger Rig (1975), Rescue Ranger (1986) Grateful Dead Truck (2014) HW Rapid Responder (2014)
Note: Retooled in 2008 with an exposed chrome plastic engine on hood.
Note: In 2010 this car appears in the Color Shifters line and since has a plastic body no exposed engine.

a. red, chrome base, blue windows and int., yellow, and white emergency squad design on sides, dk. blue hoses, lights,rsw. $25 – 55
a2. red, as a, gray windows, black int. (1976) 25 – 55
a3. red, as a2, bw (1977) 15 – 25
a4. red, as a3, bw, Mal. (1982) 12 – 25
a5. red, as a4, bw, Fr. (1983) 35 – 60
 a6. red, as a5, white Masters of the Universe logo on hood, bw, Fr. (1983) 175 – NA
b. green, chrome base, brown windows and int., yellow Forest Ranger design on sides, rsw, HK (1975) 60 – 90
b2. green, as b, blue windows and int., (1976) 60 – 90
d. yellow, red, white, and blue design w/Hot Wheels logo and “Race Rescue” on sides, gray windshield, black int., red hoses, lights etc, bw, Mal. (1985) 20 – 25
e. green, chrome base, tinted int. and windows, yellow hoses, yellow, and lt. green design, “Forest Service”, “Help Prevent Forest Fires”, and compartment names on sides, rrwhgyt, Mal. Real Riders (1986) 25 – 35
e2. green, as e, bw, Mal. Workhorses (1986) 7 – 10
f. red, black int., black, yellow, and white Emergency Rescue Unit design, bw, (1988) 7 – 10
** in #45 bp NA – 20
emergency-squad-f2 f2. red, as f, sp7, Emergency Squad 5-pack (1995) 3 – NA
g. yellow, black int., tinted windshield, black and blue “Airship Support Team” design, red “Oxygen, First Aid”, red cross, yellow lights and hoses, bw, Mal. Blimp and Support Team 5-pack (1994) 5 – NA
g2. yellow, as g, “Oxygen, First Aid” and cross are white, bw (1994) 6 – NA
emergency-squad-g3 g3. yellow, as g, “Oxygen, First Aid” and cross are black, 5-pack, bw (1994) 5 – NA
emergency-squad-h h. red, black int., tinted windshield, yellow hoses, emergency lights, etc., white “Emergency, Oxygen and Fisrt Aid”, black “Baywatch”, yellow and black Baywatch logo on sides, sp7, Mal. Baywatch 5-pack (1995) 5 – NA
emergency-squad-h2 h2. red, as h, “First” spelled correctly. 3 – NA
i. orange, orange plastic base, blue int., and windshield, blue lights and hose, blue and yellow paint splatter, sp5, Mal. Splatter Paint #408 (1996) 2 – 4
emergency-squad-i2 i2. orange, as i, dw3, #408 (1996) 2 – 4
 i3. orange, as i, tinted int. and windshield, sp5, #408 (1997) 2 – 4
i4. orange, as i3, dw3, #408 (1997) 2 – 4
emergency-squad-j j. yellow, chrome base, tinted windshield and int., red hoses, black and red “Official Car” and “Fire Dept.” on sides, “Fire Dept.” on hood., sp5, Mal. Fire Squad #425 (1996) 2 – 4
emergency-squad-k k. yellow, black int. and windshield, red hoses, emergency lights, etc., red, black, and white Paramedic Rescue Unit 3 design, sp7, Mal. Rescue Squad 5-pack (1997) 2 – NA
emergency-squad-k2 k2. yellow, as k, sp5, #425 (1998) 1 – 2
emergency-squad-k3  k3. yellow, as k, dw3 (1998) 3 – NA
emergency-squad-k4 k4. yellow, as k, ho5 (1998) 3 – NA
emergency-squad-l l. black, yellow int. and windshield, lime and yellow hoses and lights, yellow, red, and white Biohazard Removal design, sp5, Mal. Biohazard #720 (1998) 2 – 3
emergency-squad-l2 l2. black, as l, ho5, #720. 2 – 4
emergency-squad-m m. red, chrome base, blue windows and int., blue lights, and hoses, white, gold and black design w/“Fire Dept.”, “Emergency”, “51”, and emblem on sides, sp7, Mal. Fire Fighting 5-pack (1998) 2 – NA
emergency-squad-m2 m2. red, as m, ho5. 2 – NA
m3. red, as m, sp5. 2 – NA
emergency-squad-n n. white, blue windshield and int., red lights and hoses, red and black “Bomb Squad Emergency Detonation Team” design, sp5, Th. City Police 5-pack (1999) 2 – NA
emergency-squad-n2 n2. white, as n, ho5, Th. #1048 or City Police 5-pack (1999) 2 – 4
emergency-squad-n3 n3. white, as n, ho5, Ch. #1048 (1999)  1 – 2
emergency-squad-n4 n4. white, as n, sp5, Ch. #1048 (1999) 1 – 2
emergency-squad-o o. white, red base, int. and windshield/emblem, lights and hoses, red, gold, and black “Fire Department,” “Emergency”, “51”, and emblem on sides, ho5, Ch. #1061 (1999) 2 – 3
emergency-squad-p p. red, chrome base, red int., clear windows, gold “Los Angeles County Fire Dept. Rescue Squad” and ’51” on side silver details, rrrd, Th. Emergency Special Edition Squad 51 (1999) 5 – 15
emergency-squad-q q. mf silver, black int., clear windshield, red lights and hoses, black and red Emergency Detonation Team design on sides, sp3, Ch. #218 (2000) 2 – 3
emergency-squad-r r. red, black int., tinted windshield, yellow lights and hoses, blue, white, and yellow “EMS”, “Paramedic”, and “Rescue Network” on sides, ho5, Ch. #193 (2001) 2 – 3
emergency-squad-r2 r2. red, as r, ho5, Th. . #193 (2001) 2 – 3
r3. red, as r, bw, Th. Rescue Rods 5-pack (2001) 2 – NA
emergency-squad-s s. white, yellow int., hoses and lights, yellow windshield, black, orange, and yellow “Unit 7”, Hot Wheels logo, emblem and “Code H110201” on sides, sp5, Th. Heat Fleet 5-pack (2002) 2 – NA
t. mf white, dull chrome base, tinted windshield and int., red lights and bed, black and red “Hot Wheels Medic” on hood and “Medic” and “86” on sides, sp10rd, Ch. Hot Haulers 5-pack (2003) 3 – NA
t2. mf white, as t, sp5rd, Hot Haulers 5-pack (2003) 2 – NA
t3. mf white, as t2, chrome base, lt. red lights and bed. sp5rd. 20-pack (2006) 5 – NA
emergency-squad-u u. silver, gray base, red int., blue seats and windows, exposed chrome engine, red, met blue, and white, design w/”Rescue” and “68” on sides, sp5, Th. Rescue Rods 5-pack (2008) 2 – NA
v. flat tan, chrome base and exposed engine, red int., black seat and windshield, black, blue, red, and white flames w/”Bomb Squad’ on sides, y5bk, Th. Military Rods #9 (2009) 2 – 3
w. mf white, chrome base, black int. and windows, blue, red, and black City of Allen Police design, sp5bkrl, Th. Cop Rods #18 (2009) 2 – 3
x. mf dk. red, chrome base and exposed engine, gold int., clear seats and windows gold black and white design w/”Fire Dept.” on sides, sp5, Th. Fire Rods #26 (2009) 2 – 3
y. red, gray base and int., chrome exposed engine, tinted seat and windows, black, white, orange and yellow Flames and “Backdraft” on sides, sp5, Th. Monster Jam – Monster Duo (2010) 3 – 6
y2. red, as y, clear seat and windows, sp5, Th. Monster Jam Monster Duo (2011) 3 – 6
z. mf green, chrome base and exposed engine, yellow int., blue seats and windows, met blue, yellow and white design w/”HW Electric” on sides, sp5bu, Mal. HW City Works #115 (2010) 1 – 2
 aa. pearl mf gold, as y, blue int., met blue, black, and white design sp5bu, Mal. HW City Works #115 (2010) 1 – 2
 ab. red plastic, metal base, black int., yellow windows, black white, and yellow design w/ “Rescue” and “HWFD” on sides, sp5gd, Th. HW City Works 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
Emergency Squad (ab) ac. red and blue, metal base, black int., clear windows, red, white, and blue Grateful Dead design on hood and sides, stlrr, Th. Pop Culture – Grateful Dead (2014) 2 – 5
Emergency Squad (ac) ad. black, metal base, red int., red windows, red and yellow design w/”Emergency Search and Rescue” on sides, sp5rd, Th. Rescue Racers 5-pack (2014) 2 – NA
Emergency Squad (ad) ae. red, metal base, chrome hoses, clear seats and windows, black and gold design “Los Angeles Fire Dept. Rescue Squad, 51” on sides, rrrd, Mal. Entertainment (2015) 2 – 5
Emergency Squad (af) af. orange plastic, black metal base, black int., pink windows, olive, silver, white, and black graffiti design on sides, sp5pu, Th. Graffiti Rides 5-pack (2015) 2 – NA
Emergency Squad (ag) ag. lt. green, chrome base, red int., yellow windows, lt. blue, yellow, lt. green, and red, design w/”First Aid”, “No. 822”, “Emergency Unit” on sides, sp5gn, Mal. HW Rescue #216 (2016) 1 – 2
Emergency Squad (ah) ah. red, as ag, gold chrome base, yellow int., tinted windows, black, gold, and yellow, design on sides, sp5rd, Mal. HW Rescue #216 (2016) 1 – 2
 ai. red, white base, gold int., tinted windows, met green, gold, and white design on top and sides, “18” on sides, white sp5gd, Indo. Winter #1 (2018) 1 – 2
 aj. yellow, metal base, blue int., blue windows, blue, orange, and white design on sides, “Emergency Unit” and “Paramedic Rescue”, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Rescue #123 (2019) 1 – 2
ak. red, as aj, black int., clear windows, black, silver, and white design, pr5/rd-rim, Mal. Red Edition #123 Target excl. (2019) 1 – 3
al. pearl white, black metal base, black int., blue windows, black, met blue, and lt. green design, pr5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Rescue #123 (2019) 1 – 2
am. yellow, metal base, dk. gray int., blue windows, orange, met blue, black and white hood and ”Rescue”, stripes, “Rescue” and Ambulance” on sides, sp5or, Mal. HW Rescue #206 (2021) 1 – 2
an. mf dk. gray, black base, red int., tinted windows, black, white, red, and gold design w/”Gotham Caty PD” and “911” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. Batman #4/20 (2023) 2 – 4

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