This Malaysia made 3-door hatchback has a metal body with a plastic base, interior and windows.
a. mf red, black base and int., tinted windows, details, y5. 2014 New Models #25 $1 – 3
a2. mf red as a, sp10. 2014 New Models #25 $10 – 40
b. pearl white, as a, dk. red int., y5. 2014 New Models #25 1 – 2
b2. pearl white, as b, dk. red int., sp10. 2014 New Models #25 10 – 40
b3. pearl white, as b, dk. red int., lw. 2014 New Models #25 15 – 50
c. lt blue, black base and int., tinted windows, yellow and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Polizia” on hood and sides, sp10wh, HW Garage #50 (2015) 1 – 3
Note: Early cards had the Treasure Hunt logo behind the car. This car is not a Treasure Hunt and there is no increase in value.
d. red, metal base, black int., clear windows, met green, and white stripes on sides, details, rrmcwh, Mal. Car Culture – Euro Style #4 (2016) 2 – 5
e. satin orange. black base and int., clear windows, yellow, black, and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “01” on hood and sides, pr5yw, Mal. HW Daredevils CH (2018) 1 – 2
f. black. as e, silver base green int., yellow, black, and white design and “02”, pr5gn, Mal. HW Daredevils CH (2018) 1 – 2
g. turquoise, as e, gold, black, and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “03” on hood and sides, pr5rd, Mal. HW Daredevils CH (2018) 1 – 2
h. met gray, as e, orange, blue, and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “04” on hood and sides, pr5or, Mal. HW Daredevils CH (2018) 1 – 2
i. spec orange, as e, rr10sp, Mal. HW Daredevils CH $TH (2018) 1 – 2
j. spec orange, tinted base, black int., tinted windows, green, black and white stripes and “Hot Wheels Delivery” and character on sides, Mal. id5, Hot Wheels id (2019) 5 – 12
k. mf aqua. black base and int., clear windows, aqua stripes on sides, detailed front, fan5, Mal. HW Green Speed (2023) 1 – 2
l. red. white base and int., clear windows, aqua stripes on sides, detailed front, fan5, Mal. HW Green Speed (2023) 1 – 2
m. gray. black base and int., tinted windows, black, orange, and white designs with “5” on sides, j5/or-rim, Mal. Compact Kings (2024) 1 – 2
n. lt. blue. white base , red int., yellow windows, pink, purple, white and yellow designs with “5” and “Spring” on sides, pr5yw, Mal. Spring series #1 (2024) 2 – 4
o. blue. black base and int., tinted windows, black, orange, and white designs with “5” on sides, j5or, Mal. Compact Kings (2024) 1 – 2