This Malaysia made tuner style car with wing has metal body and base, plastic interior with matching ground effects, plastic windows and headlights.
a. mf white, metal base, red int., tinted windows, black and orange design on hood, and roof, w/“KrazyKid” on windshield and Hot Wheels logo on rear wing,sp10. 2003 First Editions #031 (2003) $1 – 3
a2, mf white, as a, clear red int., 2003 First Editions #031 (2003) 25 – 75
b. mf orange, metal base, white int., tinted windows, gray, blue and white “3” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. 2x Turbo Power pack (2003) 3 – NA
c. mf red, as b, white side panels, pr5, Ch. Power Launcher (2004) 3 – NA
d. satin gold, metal base, gray int., tinted windows, red, black, white and gray design w/“NB Racing”, Hot Wheels logo and “MH” on sides, sp10rd, Ch. Night Breed 5-pack (2004) 3 – NA
d2. satin gold, as d, sp5rd, Ch. Night Breed 5-pack (2004) 3 – NA
e. mf red, metal base, black int., tinted windows, silver, black and red design w/“NS”, “KD Ignition”, “Delany” and “CVaughin” on sides, sp3, Ch. Gorilla Attack 5-pack (2005) 2 – NA
f. mf gray, metal base, green int., green windows, white, gray, black and green flames on sides, sp10, Ch. w/Quickshot Launcher (2005) 3 – NA
f2. mf gray, as f, sp5, Ch. Quickshot Launcher (2005) 3 – NA
g. mf gold, metal base, black int., tinted windows, black hood, black and white checker board on roof, Hot Wheels logo on upper rear wing, sp10, Mal. #185 (2006) 1 – 3
g2 mf gold, as g, sp5, Mal. #185 (2006) 3 – 7
g3. mf gold, as g, pr5, Mal. #185 (2006) 3 – 7
h. black, metal base, red int., yellow windows, orange and yellow flames on sides, sp10, Ch. w/Quickshot Launcher (2007) 3 – NA
i. red, metal base, yellow int. and fenders, tinted windows, yellow design on sides, sp10, Th. Hot Tunerz 5-pack (2010) 2 – NA
j. mf red, gray plastic base, black int. and fenders, tinted windows, yellow, orange, and white stripes, “Flight 03” on hood and sides, “03” on roof, pr5wh, Mal. Thrill Racers – Race Coarse #184 (2012) 1 – 2
j2. mf red, as j, brown int., and fenders, pr5wh, Mal. Thrill Racers – Race Coarse #184 (2012) 2 – 5
k. mf blue, as j, chrome base, clear windows, pr5wh, Mal. Mystery Models #13 (2012) 1 – 2
l. mf blue, metal base, white int., blue windows, silver, orange and light blue, “Max Steel” and “Ntek” on sides, y5or, Th. Max Steel – Urban Storm 5-pack intl. (2013) 5 – NA
m. mf green, gray base, black int., tinted windows, black, yellow, red, and white stripes, “Flight 03” on sides, pr5wh, Mal. multi-pack only (2015) 2 – NA
n. yellow, as m, blue windows, black, blue, red, and white design, pr5wh, Mal. Snowflake Edition Target excl. or Mystery Models #6 (2015) 1 – 2
o. mf silver, black metal base, orange int., tinted windows, black and green design and Hot wheels logo on sides, stripes on top, fan5, Mal. multi-pack only (2017) 2 – NA
p. lt blue, metal base, purple int., clear windows, purple, yellow, and white stripes and “Easter” on sides, os5bk/or-rim, Th. Easter #5 (2017) 1 – 2
q. pearl white, dk. gray base, green int., tinted windows, black and green stripes on top and sides, “A’ and “12” on roof, “12” and “HTWLS” on sides, olive, sp5or, Mal. Mystery Models #12 (2020) 2 – NA
r. mf dk green, gray base, white int., tintied windows, black, red, and white designs with “6” on hood, roof, and sides, adwh-front/adrd-rear, Mal. Mystery Models Series 1 #6 (2024) 2 – 4