This Malaysia made Hiway Hauler has a metal cab with a plastic base, windows, box, and six wheels.
a. red, chrome, black windows, white box, blue, yellow, and red design w/“Kool-Aid Wacky Warehouse” on sides, bw. #142 $12 – 20
a2. red, as a, box tampo flipped: drivers side design is on passenger side and visa-versa, #142 (1993) 12 – 20
b. purple, as a, multicolor design w/Hot Wheels logo, and “Delivery” on sides of box, #238 (1994) 10 – 12
b2. purple, as b, red Hot Wheels logo on front license plate, #238 (1995) 75 – 100
c. red, black windows, white box, multicolor design w/“Dinty Moore” and can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew on sides, bw. Hormel promo in baggy (1994) 3 – NA
d. yellow, chrome windows, white box w/red, yellow, and black Hot Wheels logo and McDonald’s Happy Meal tampo on box, bw, LE7000 (1995) 25 – 30
e. white, black windows, white box w/red and blue stripes, McKee logo on sides, Little Debbie Snacks logo on sides and back, bw, Little Debbie Bakery promo 3-pack (1995) 3 – NA
e2. white, as e, sp7 (1995) 6 – NA
f. red, black windows, white box w/red, yellow, and blue Hot Wheels logo, “Newsletter”, “Delivery”, and a car on sides, rrgygyt. LE7000, #9 (1995)30 – 35
Note: Even though it has a collector number it’s not a mainline production retail release.
g. blue, black windows, white box w/multicolor Spam and Spam Lite can on sides, bw. Hormel promo, in baggie (1995) 3 – NA
h. black, chrome windows, white box w/black, blue, and red “Kool-Aid Soft Drinks Brand” and “Wacky Warehouse 5 Year Celebration” on sides, pc6, LE8000 (1995) 10 – 15
i. red, black windows, white box w/red and black H.E.B. logo on sides, bw. H.E.B. stores 2-pack (1995) 3 – 5
j. mf green, black windows, white box w/multicolor photo of Statue of Liberty and New York City skyline, sp7. Photo Finish #335 (1995) 8 – 10
k. red, black windows, white box w/ green, red, orange, and black “Lucky”, “The Low Price Leader Every Day”, fruits and vegetables on sides, sp7, Mal. Lucky Supermarkets 2-pack (1995) 3 – 5
l. black, chrome windows, white box w/red and black 90th anniversary logo and “Davis Printing Quality Printing Since 1906” on sides, sp5, Mal. Davis Printing promo (1996) 12 – 15
m. gold chrome-plated cab and base, black windows, black box w/red and white 1968 Hot Wheels and Mattel logos on one side and 1995 Hot Wheels and Mattel logos on other, pc5gd, Mal. LE8000 (1996) 15 – 20
n. black, chrome windows, white box w/black, blue, white, and red “Feed The Children” and Feed the Children logo on sides of cab, pc5, Mal. LE10,000 (1996) 12 – 15
o. white, black windows, white box w/red and blue patriotic design and “H.E.B. Serving More Texans Better Every Day” on box, “H.E.B.” on cab, sp5, Ch. H.E.B. 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
p. white, black windows, white box w/multi-color steak and seafood design and “Lucky” on box, sp5, Ch. Lucky stores 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
q. red, black windows, white box w/red “Woolworth” on box, sp5, Ch. Woolworth 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
r. white, black windows, white box w/red and black “Vons” and “Produce” on box, sp5, Ch. Vons 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
s. white, chrome windows, white box w/blue stripes and “Hughes Family Market” on box, sp5, Ch. Hughes 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
t. red, black windows, yellow box w/black and orange ShopRite logo and “ShopRite always save” on box, “ShopRite” on cab, sp5, Ch. ShopRite 2-pack (1996) 4 – 6
u. white, black base, black windows, white box w/pink and lt. blue “Sav-on Drugs” and “Osco Drug” on box, sp5, Ch. Osco Drug and Sav-on Drugs 2-pack (1996) 3 – 5
v. mf blue, tinted windows, white box w/multi-color “Van de Kamp’s”, “Fish-O-Saurs” and fish sticker on box, sp5, Ch. Van de Kamp’s promo (1997) 3 – 5
w. white, blue windows, white box w/lt. blue and dk. blue “Albertson’s” and logo on sides, sp5, Ch. Albertson’s Supermarkets 2-pack 3 – 5
x. lt. blue, black windows, white box w/multi-color Count Chocula and Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs logos on one side, Cookie Crisp and Cocoa Puffs on other, sp5, Ch. General Mills promo (1997) 5 – NA
y. white, dk. blue windows, white box w/red, lt. blue and dk. blue Kroger logo and “Quality Guaranteed” on sides, sp5, Ch. Kroger Supermarket 2-pack (1997) 3 – 5
z. red, tinted windows, white box w/black and red Ralph’s logo and “Lower Prices Higher Standards” on sides, sp5, Ch. Ralph’s Supermarket 2-pack (1997) 3 – 5
aa. blue, black windows, white box w/blue and red Rite Aid logo and “For your life, Rite Aids got it” on sides, sp5, Ch. Rite Aid 2-pack (1998) 3 – 5
ab. white, black windows, white box w/red “the Spirit of H.E.B.” on box, H.E.B. logo on cab, sp5, Ch. H.E.B. Supermarket 2-pack (1998) 3 – 5
ac. blue, chrome windows, blue box w/lt. blue and white “Yamahauler Racing Team” on sides, rrgyt, Ch. Helpful Hauler, LE10,000 (1998) 12 – 15
ad. red, black windows, white box w/multi-color “H.E.B. 1905-2000”, “95th Anniversary Celebration”, and “Go Home a Hero” on sides, sp5, Mal. H.E.B. Supermarkets 2-pack (2000) 3 – 5
ae. dk. green, black windows, yellow box w/green and white Oakland Athletics Baseball team design, sp5, Mal. Oakland A’s baseball team promo, in box (2001) 10 – 12
af. red, black windows, white box w/ red “Cub Foods” on sides, pr5, Mal. Cub Stores 2-pack (2001) 3 – 5
ag. mf black, black base and box, orange windows, multi-color “Speed Right Up”, “The Fastest Show On Earth”, “Hot Wheels Side Show” on sides, sp5gd, Mal. #236 (2002) 2 – 3
ag2. mf black as ag, red windows sp5gd, Th. Side Show 5-pack, and #236 (2002) 2 – 10
ah. yellow, blue windows, blue box, yellow, green, silver, and black “Hot Wheels”, “MBK”, MCC”, and MMSA” on roof, w/“Hot Wheels”, “Export”, “5”, “Thailand, Malaysia, China”, “MBK”, MCC”, and MMSA” on sides, ho5, Ch. Hot Haulers 5-pack (2003) 3 – NA
ai. mf white, black windows, orange box, white, black, silver, and red “Hot Wheels”, “Astro Deliveries”, and “When You Gotta Have it Yesterday”, “We Specialize in Time Travel” on sides, ho5, Ch. Wastelanders #170 (2003) 2 – 3
aj. orange, black windows, white box, black, orange, and red “The Wickedest Show on Earth” on sides, ho5, Ch. Speed Circus 5-pack (2004) 2 – NA
aj2. orange as aj, sp5, Speed Circus 5-pack (2004) 2 – NA
ak. mf silver, black windows, black box, white and red graffiti design and “Hot Wheels” on sides, pr5, Mal. Tag Rides #075 (2006) 2 – 4
al. red, chrome base, black windows, white box, red, maroon, yellow, and b8lack “Hot Wheels Flying Customs” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5rl, Mal. Flying Customs (2006) 3 – 5
al2. red, as al, tinted windows, sp5rl, Mal. Flying Customs (2006) 3 – 5
am. red, chrome box, tinted windows, red, maroon, yellow, and black “Hot Wheels Flying Customs” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5rl, Mal. Super Chromes (2006) 3 – 5
am2. red, as am, black windows, sp5rl, Mal. Super Chromes (2006) 3 – 5
an. mf silver, chrome box, black windows, red, white, and blue “Hot Wheels Super Chromes” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5rl, Mal. Super Chromes (2006) 3 – 5
ao. mf green, chrome base, black box, tinted windows, red, yellow, green, and black Hot Wheels logo and “Dragon Wagon” w/“Patrick” on passenger door, “Matthew” on driver door, pr5, Th. HWC offer and 10-pack (2007) 5 – 15
ao2. mf green, as ao, metal base, pr5, HWC (2007) 10 – 15
ap. spec. red, metal base, tinted windows, white plastic box, red, silver, black, and gray flames on sides and top, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 3 #2 (2007) 3 – 5
aq. spec, green, as ap, green, silver, black, and ivory flames, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #2 (2007) 3 – 5
ar. spec. blue, as ap, blue, gold, black, and dk. blue flames, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #2 (2007) 3 – 5
as. spec. gold, as ap, blue, gold, black, and yellow flames, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #2 (2007) 3 – 5
at. spec. purple, as ap, pink, black, purple, and orange flames, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #2 (2007) 3 – 5
au. candy red, metal base, black windows, chrome box, red and silver flames on sides, rrgdl, Th. 2007 Holiday Rods (2007) 3 – 5
av. mf lt. gold, as au, lt. gold and silver flames on sides, rrgdl. 2007 Holiday Rods (2007) 3 – 5
aw. mf green, as au, green and silver flames on sides, rrgdl. 2007 Holiday Rods (2007) 3 – 5
ax. yellow, black windows, black box, silver, red, white, and blue ”Pepsi” and logo on doors, sides, and top w/”Nex” on sides and top, pr5, Ch. Pepsi Nex Promo Japan. (2007) 15 – 20
ay. spec black, chrome blue box, metal base, black windows, silver and orange design w/Hot Wheels logo on box, RLC logo on door, rrrl, Ch. HWC Real Riders series 7 LE10000 (2008) 18 – 22
az. mf yellow, black box, chrome base, black windows, silver, white, and yellow design w/”24 HR” Hot Wheels” “Delivery” and “Express” on box, “Elwood Trucking & Freight” on driver side door, pr5, Mal. HW City Works #114 (2009)
ba. mf lt brown, as az, silver, white, and orange design on box, pr5, Mal. HW City Works #114 (2009) 1 – 2
bb. blue, as az, silver, white, and blue design on box, pr5, Mal. HW City Works #114 (2009) 1 – 2
bc. mf red, tan box, metal base, clear windows, brown, red, and white stripes and Whoppers candy design, pr5, Mal. Hot Wheels Delivery Sweet Rides (2009) 3 – 5
bc2. mf red, as bc, pr5, Th. Hot Wheels Delivery Sweet Rides (2009) 3
bd. yellow, yellow box, metal base, black windows, white, black, orange, and red Hot Wheels logo and “ Authorized Distributor” on sides, sp5rryl, Th. Delivery Slick Rides #15 (2010) 3 – 5
be. mf blue, metal base, tinted windows, mf blue box, black, gray and blue St. Louis skyline, on box, 10th Nationals logo on rear, lgrr, Th. 10th Annual Nationals LE2400 (2010) 15 – 25
bf, orange, as bd, orange box, sp5rrol, Th. Delivery Slick Rides #15 (2010) 3 – 5
bg. spec green, chrome metal base, chrome int., clear windows, spec green metal box, opening doors, green, black, and silver “Holiday Hauling” on sides, details, stlrrwl, Th. RLC Club Exclusive LE5500 (2010) 15 – 25
bh. mf green, metal base, black int., yellow windows, red box, multicolor Lucky Charms design on sides and rear, prr, Th. Nostalgic Brands – General Mills (2011) 3 – 6
bi. mf black, chrome metal base, chrome int., clear windows, mf black metal box, opening doors, red, blue, yellow, and ivory marque design w/ “Celebrating 25 Years of Hot Wheels Conventions” on sides, Convention logo on roof, details, dd5rr, Ch. 25th Annual Collectors Convention LE2400 (2010) 15 – 25
Note: A card was added to the package explaining the manufacturing and sticker labeling problem. The label reads 1 of 5000, only 3500 were produced which 1100 were destroyed, leaving 2400 pieces for the Convention.
bj. mf red, metal base, black int., yellow windows, blue box, multicolor Bizarro design on sides, rr, Th. Nostalgic Brands – DC Comics (2011) 3 – 6
bk. black, metal base, blue int., and windows, tan box, multicolor Tom and Jerry design, prr, Th. Nostalgic Brands – Hanna-Barbera (2012) 2 – 5
bl. spec blue, chrome metal base, black int., clear windows, spec blue box, red, white, black and orange design w/Hot Wheels logo and “” on box, “Editor at Large, Online Contest Delivery” on cab, neo, Ch. HWC article contest LE500 (2011) 100 – 200
bm. mf pearl white, chrome metal base, silver int., tinted windows, multicolor 26th Annual Collectors Convention billboard picture on side of the box silver and red flames on sides of the cab, Convention logo on rear, stlrr, Ch. 26th Annual Collectors Convention Finale LE1100 (2012) 25 – 60
bn. mf lt. brown. chrome metal base, orange int., clear windows, white, black, brown, and dk. brown Count Chocula design on sides and back, details, rrol, Ch. HWC excl. LE2400 (2012) 15 – 25
bo. black, chrome base, blue windows, gray box, blue, lt. blue, red, and white design on sides and roof, orange “Your description here” on sides, photo on top, pr5, Th. HWC Customs Made just for you! #2 (2012) 4 – 10
bo2. black, as bo, no design, pr5, Th. HW Designs in baggie (2013) 7 – 15
bp. orange, metal base, tinted windows, black box, gold, black, and red “AC/DC”, “Live Wire Transport”, and “High Voltage Rock & Roll”, AC/DC on rear, prrrl, Mal. Pop Culture – Live Nation (2013) 3 – 5
bq. mf brown, metal base, orange windows, blue box, multi-color The Flintstones design on rear and sides, stlrrbl, Th. Pop Culture – Hanna-Barbera (2014) 3 – 5
br. pearl yellow, metal base, tinted windows, lt. blue box, multi-color SpongeBob characters design on rear and sides, prrywrl, Th. Nickelodeon – SpongeBob SquarePants (2015) 3 – 5
bs. mf lt. gold, metal base, tinted windows, gray box, multi-color Star Wars design on sides, prr, Th. Pop Culture – Star Wars (2016) 2 – 5
bt. white, white metal base, white int., tinted windows, white box, black “No. DWH32” on sides, white prr, Th. Pop Culture – The Beatles (2017) 3 – 6
bu. mf purple, metal base, tinted windows, green box, Velma Dinkley and Daphne Blake design on sides, prrwl, Th. Pop Culture – Scooby-Doo #2 (2017) 2 – 5
bv. black, metal base, tinted windows, black box, multi-color Cammy vs. Zangiel design on sides, prrrl, Th. Street Fighters V #4 (2018) 2 – 6
bw. blue, metal base, tinted windows, blue box, multi-color Led Zeppelin design and “1975 North American Tour” on sides, rr, Th. Pop Culture Led Zeppelin #5 (2020) 3 – 6
bx. purple, metal base, tinted windows, orange, blue, black and white Taskmaster design on sides, details, prr, Th. Marvel #4 (2021) 3 – 6
by. mf lt. blue, mf lt. blue metal base, blue windows, multi-colored Toy Story design on sides, “Disney 100” all over, details, prr, Indo. Disney 100 #4 (2023) 3 – 7
bz. orange, metal base, tinted windows, black Beatles concert ticket design on sides, details, prr, Indo. Entertainment Mix 2 (2023) 3 – 7
Bonus Picture
Children’s Miracle Network Custom Charity piece
Color Changer
Pink Cab, White/Purple Box, Black base, bw, Mal. Color FX (1994)