Honda Civic Custom – 69mm – 2022

This Malaysia made custom Honda Civic has a metal body with plastic base, interior, and windows.

 a. blue, black base and int. tinted windows, white hood with “42” and “R”. “Asada” on sides. rear:adyw / front: sp5yw Mal. HW J-Imports #204 $1 – 2
b. red, black base, white int. tinted windows, white hood with “42” and “R”. “Asada” on sides. rear: adwh / front sp5wh Mal. HW J-Imports #204 $1 – 2
c. white, black base, white int. blue windows, black designs on hood, roof, and sides, red “HW” on sides. rear: adbk / pr5/front: rd-rim Mal. HW Drag Strip #204 $1 – 2
d. mf red, black base, orange int. yellow windows, orange designs on hood, roof, and sides, aqua “HW” on sides. rear: adbk / sp10gd/front: rd-rim Mal. HW Drag Strip #204 Kroger Exclusive $2 – 4
e. flat black, black base and int. tinted windows, black , red, and white stripes, “29” and livery on sides. rear: sp5/rd-rim / front slt5/rd-rim, Mal. Multi-pack Exclusive (2024) $2 – NA

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