This China made customized Plymouth Barracuda, a remake of the 1970 model, has a metal body and base, plastic interior, and windows, an exposed plastic engine.
Similar casting: King Kuda (w/hood), (1999)
Also known as: Plymouth King Kuda, Plymouth Barracuda.
Note: Retooled in 2018.
a. blue, metal base, cream int., clear windows, neo. 30th Anniversary of Hot Wheels 4-pack. 10 – NA
b. spec. blue, white int., clear windows, metal engine, dk. blue flames, white “02” and “‘Cuda” on sides, “HWCBRETT” on license plate, neo, Ch. HWC #5 LE10,000 (2002) 15 – 20
d. purple, metal base, black int., clear windows, white, black, yellow and orange design w/“2” and “Barracuda” on sides, “Ira Gilford, 2nd Hot Wheels Designer” on roof, multicolor 20th Annual Collectors Convention logo on rear window, “Gilford” on license plate, rrrl, Ch. 20th Annual Collectors Convention, LE2,000 (2006) 45 – 50
e. spec red, chrome metal base, white int., tinted windows, white stripes on top and sides, rr5sp, Ch. RLC sELECTIONs #4 LE7931 (2006) 10 – 25
f. spec. magenta, metal base, white int., clear windows, orange flamed pinstripes on sides and hood, “Barracuda”, “King Kuda” on sides, detailed grille and taillights, sp5rl, Th. Classics series 3 #10 (2007) 2 – 4
g. spec. black, as f, white flamed pinstripes, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #10 (2007) 2 – 4
h. spec. aqua, as f, green flamed pinstripes, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #10 (2007) 2 – 4
i. spec, red, same as f, red flamed pinstripes, sp5rl. Classics series 3 #10 (2007) 2 – 4
j. spec. orange, as f, yellow flamed pinstripes, sp5rl. Classics series 3, 3-pack (2007) 4 – NA
k. spec. pink, metal base, white int., tinted windows, white stripe across trunk and rear fenders, w/“3” on doors, bwrl, Th. Since ’68 40th Anniversary 40-pack (2007) 5 – NA
l. candy blue, metal base, white int., clear windows, lt. blue, white, red, and black stripes on top and sides, “4” on sides, rr5spwl, Th. Collectors Edition 2010 #4 (2010) 15 – 25
m. spec blue, chrome metal base, lt. blue int., blue windows, flat black roof, black and white “3” and stripes around trunk, details, neo Ch. RLC Spoilers series LE5000 (2017) 15 – 25
n. black, black plastic base, chrome int., blue windows, white checkerboard and “King” on top and sides, os5bk/ch-rim, Mal. Checkmate #261 (2018) 1 – 2
o. spec black, as n, XXXXXXXXX, Mal. Checkmate STH (2018) 10 – 20
p. white, as n, white base, black, blue, and gold design, pr5bk/wh, Mal. Checkmate #362 (2018) 1 – 2
q. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black and white Urban Outlaw design with stripes on roof, trunk, and sides, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania #140 (2019) 1 – 2
r. silver, as q, mc5/rd-rim, Mal. Muscle Mania #140 (2019) 1 – 2
s. flat black, black base, chrome int., clear windows, white All Souls’ Day – Day of the Dead design on sides, white sklbk, Mal. Dia De Los Muertos #4 (2021) 1 – 3
t. zamac, black base, black chrome int., clear windows, orange, red, and yellow flames on sides, slt5or, Mal. Zamac 6 car set (2022) 3 – NA
u. white, dk blue base, chrome int., red windows, Blue, red, and yellow card designs, sp5rd, Mal. HW Art Cars #152 (2024) 1 – 2