La Fasta – 74mm – 2009

This Malaysia made concept sports car has a metal body, plastic base, interior, and canopy.

 a. mf yellow, black base, tinted chrome int., tinted canopy, black stripes on hood and sides, yellow “La Fasta” on sides, os5bk/yl-rim. 2009 New Models #024v $1 – 2
 b. red, as a, red “La Fasta” on sides, red grille, os5bk/rd-rim. 2009 New Models #024 3 – 5
 b2. red, as b, black grille, os5bk/rd-rim. 2009 New Models #024 1 – 2
c. mf silver, blue base, tinted chrome int., tinted canopy, blue stripes on hood, “La Fasta” on sides, os5bk/bu-rim, Mal. HW Garage #078 (2010) 1 – 2
d. black, red base, tinted chrome int., tinted canopy, red and white checker board and stripe design w/“9” on hood and sides, pr5wh, Mal. HW Track Stars #77 (2011) 1 – 2
** in Chuck E. Cheese package NA – 5
d2. black, as d, dk. red base, pr5wh, Mal. HW Track Stars #77 (2011) 1 – 2
 e. orange, black base, tinted chrome int., tinted canopy, black, white, and red design w/decals and “12” on sides, os5bk/wh-rim, Th. Wall Tracks 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
 f. mf purple, as d, burnt orange base, updated Hot Wheels logo, pr5wh, Mal. Multi-pack only (2012) 2 – NA
 g. green, chrome base, tinted chrome int., tinted canopy, red and white checker board and stripe design w/black “9” on sides, pr5wh, Mal. Mystery Models #11 (2013) 1 – 2
 h. orange, silver base, chrome int., purple canopy, purple and white checker board and stripe design w/black “9” on sides, pr5wh, Mal. multi-pack only (2013) 2 – NA
 i. lt. blue, dk. gray base, chrome int., tinted canopy, met blue and black stripes on hood and sides, mc5cp, Mal. HW City Speed Team #34TH (2014) 2 – 4
 j. mf black, dk. gray base, chrome int., red canopy, red and white checker board and stripe design w/black “9” on sides, pr5, Mal. multi-pack only (2015) 2 -NA
 m. mf dk. red, dk. gray base, chrome int., tinted canopy, red and white stripes on hood and sides, mc5cp, Mal. Mystery Models #6 (2016) 2 -NA
 n. pearl yellow, dk green base, orange int., tinted canopy, black, white and green, os5bk/or-rim, Indo. City 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
o. mf lt. green, dk. gray base, white int., tinted canopy, red, black and white stripes and “4” on sides, ra6gd rear / ra6gy front, Mal. Mystery Models 3 #4 (2019) 2 -NA
p. mf blue, black base, chrome int., blue canopy, white graphics on hood and sides “H” on hood, white fan5bu, Mal. HW Art Cars #114 (2020) 1 – 2
q. white, silver base, chrome int., dk. blue canopy, blue graphics on hood and sides “H” on hood, blue fan5, Mal. HW Art Cars #114 (2020) 1 – 2
r. satin blue, dk. gray base and int., tinted canopy, gray, black, orange and white stripes, “X1612” on hood, “Agent X1612 Investigation A-51” on saides pr5/gn- rim, Mal. Mystery Model 3 #4 (2021) 2 – NA
s. black, yellow base, chrome int., tinted canopy, orange and yellow stripes on hood and sides white “Speed Team”, orange os5bk, Mal. HW Speed Team #48 (2022) 1 – 2
t. aqua, as s, black base, orange and yellow stripes on hood and sides white “Speed Team”, orange os5bk, Mal. HW Speed Team #48 (2022) 1 – 2
u. red, black base, chrome int., blue window, blue and dark blue designs on hood and sides, ra6bu, Mal. Mystery Series 2 #7 (2023) 1 – 2

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