Loop Coupe – 70mm – 2013

This Malaysia made AWD coupe has a metal body with a plastic base, interior with wing, and windows.

 a. black, black base, yellow int., blue windows, red, white, yellow, and gold Hot Wheels design on sides, pr5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Racing – HW Race Team #115 (2013) $1 – 2
 b. white, black base and int., green windows, red, green, and black Hot Wheels design on sides, pr5bk/gn-rim, Mal. HW Racing – HW Race Team #115 (2013) $1 – 2
 c. mf blue gray, black base, red int., yellow windows, yellow, black, and red design, stripes and scrapes on hood and roof, stars, stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, yellow sp10bk, Mal. HW Off-Road – HW Daredevils #121TH (2014) 1 – 2
 d. red, black base, white int., tinted windows, white, black, and blue design, stripes and scrapes on hood and roof, stars, stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, yellow sp10gd, Mal. multi-pack only (2015) 2 – NA
 e. black, white base, orange int., orange windows, silver, orange, and yellow design w/”Stunt Team” and “44” on sides, pr5bu, Mal. Stunt Devil 5-pack (2015) 2 – NA
 f. mf gold, black base, gold int., clear windows, black and gold stripes and flames on hood and roof,  pr5bk/gd-rim, Mal. Mystery Models #3 (2015) 2 – 4
 g. pearl white, black base, blue int., blue windows, no design, os5 rear, / os5gn front, Th. Airbrush Auto Design Pen Pack 1 (2015) 3 – 8
 h. mf burgundy, yellow base, white int., orange windows, white, pink, and yellow stripes on hood, roof, and sides, glow-in-the-dark pr5bk, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #53 (2016) 1 – 2
 i. clear lt. green plastic body, mf silver metal base, blue int., green windows white and black design w/”6″ on sides, white os5/bk-rim, Th. Snow Stormers 5-pack (2016) 2 – NA
 j. candy blue, lt green base, white int., blue windows, white, lt. blue, and green stripes on top and sides, glow-in-the-dark pr5bk, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #53 (2016) 1 – 2
k. mf gray, white base, orange int., tinted windows, yellow, orange, and white stripes and 50th logo on sides, j5or, Indo. 50th Track Stars 5-pack (2018) 2 – NA
l. mf white, silver base, green int., blue windows, black, pink, and green Hot Wheels design on sides, fan5gn rear / fan5bu front, Mal. Mystery Models series 3 #9 (2019) 2 – NA
m. dk. red, white base, black int., tinted windows, black, white and blue stripes, “HWGRFX” and “4” on top and sides, j5wh, Mal. Mystery Models #4 (2021) 2 – NA
o. glow, lt. blue metal base, yellow int., blue int., black lt. blue, pink and magenta design and Hot Wheels logo on top and sides, Th. Monster Trucks Epic Loop Challenge play set (2021) 10 – NA
p. brown/tan, metal base, brown int., blue windows, black, blue, and green designs on sides, front: sp10or, Th. Color Reveals (2021) 5 – NA
p. candy green, chrome base, dark gray int., tinted windows, yellow, orange, and white stripes and 50th logo on sides, j5/gr-rim, Indo. HW Legends 5-pack (2022) 2 – NA
q. black/green, metal base, yellow int. and windows, black, blue, and green designs on sides, front: sp10yw / rear: sp10bu, Th. Color Shifters (2023) 3 – 5
r. red, chrome base, white int., tinted windows, gold and white stripes, designs, and “HW Offroad Rescue” on hood, roof, and sides, brown pr5/wh-rim, Mal. Mystery Series 3 #7 (2023) 1 – 2

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