This Malaysia made fantasy coaster car has a metal base with a
plastic body interior, and riders.
Note: Multiple cars can be connected together with the front and back hooks.
a. red, metal base, silver riders w/arms up, yellow stripes on hood and sides, lt. blue and yellow “Loopster” and Hot Wheels logo on hood, os5yw. HW City – Surf Patrol #75 $2 – 4
a2. red, as a, w/arms down, os5yw. HW City – Surf Patrol #75 $2 – 4
b. pearl blue, as a, orange riders w/arms up, blue and orange in design os5or. HW City – Surf Patrol #75 2 – 4
b2. pearl blue, as b, w/ arms down, os5or. HW City – Surf Patrol #75 2 – 4
c. mf aqua, metal base, gray riders w/arms up, yellow and light green stripes on sides and on front, “Loopster” and HW logo on front, os5or, Mal. HW City Works #174 (2016) 1 – 3
c2. mf aqua, as c, w/arms down, os5or, Mal. HW City Works #174 (2016) 1 – 3
d. black, metal base, yellow riders w/arms up, blue hooks, blue, and yellow stripes and stars on sides and on front, “Glow Wheels” logo on front, glow-in-the-dark os5bu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #328 (2017) 1 – 3
d2. black, as d, w/arms down, glow-in-the-dark os5bu, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #328 (2017) 1 – 3
e. purple, metal base, red hooks, yellow riders w/arms up, red and yellow flames on hood and sides, “Loopster” on hood, sp5bk, Mal. HW Fun Park #125 (2018) 1 – 2
e2. purple, as e, w/arms down, sp5bk, Mal. HW Fun Park #125 (2018) 1 – 2
f. red, as e, purple hooks, purple and yellow flames on hood and sides, “Loopster” on hood, sp5bk, Mal. HW Fun Park #314 (2018) 1 – 2
f2. red, as e2, sp5bk, Mal. HW Fun Park #314 (2018) 1 – 2
g. lt. green, orange base, green riders w/arms up, black hooks, green, orange and yellow design on sides, ps5gn, Indo. Fun Park 5-pack (2020) 2 – NA
g2. lt. green, as g, w/arms down, green, Indo. Fun Park 5-pack (2020) 2 – NA
h. bright pink, mf purple base, blue riders w/arms up, purple, black hooks, white, green, orange and yellow design on hood and sides, ps5gn, Mal. Experimotors #53 (2021) 1 – 2
h2. pink, as h, blue w/arms down, Mal Experimotors #53 (2021) 1 – 2
i. lt. green, blue metal base, purple int. w/arms up, white, black and yellow loop design on hood and sides, os5/ch-rim, Mal. Experimotors #53 (2021) 1 – 2
i2. lt. green, as i, arms down, green, os5/ch-rim, Mal. Experimotors #53 (2021) 1 – 2
j. white, aqua metal base, pink int. w/arms up, aqua, pink, and purple designs on hood and sides, ad/yw-rim, Mal. Experimotors #48 (2024) 1 – 2
j2. white, as j, arms down, Experimotors #48 (2024) 1 – 2
e. & e.2 are #120, not #125
Similar to 2021 lt green w/ lrg stl8/ch-rim Found in Roller Coaster Rally Playset (HJV69)