This Malaysia made super-car has a metal body with a plastic base, interior and windows.
a. mf burnt orange, black base and int., tinted canopy, details, j5. Factory Fresh #178 $1 – 2
b. white, as a, j5/ch-rim, Factory Fresh #318 1 – 2
c. mf purple, black base and int., tinted canopy, details, sp10gy, Mal. HW Exotics #221 (2019) 1 – 2
d. zamac, as c, mc5gy, HW Exotics #221 (2019) 1 – 2
e. mf dk. gray, black base and int., tinted canopy, sp10gy, Th. Fast & Furious #3 (2020) 1 – 3
f. mf dk. gray, satin black metal base, black int., tinted canopy, details, rr10spbk, Th. Fast & Furious Euro Fast #2 (2020) 3 – 6
g. mf orange, black metal base, black int., tinted canopy, black stripe on sides and rear details, cm6bk, Th. Speed Machines #2 (2023) 3 – 6
h. candy red, black metal base, black int., tinted canopy, detailed front and rear, rrm10spgy, Th. Car Culture 2-pack (2023) 7 – NA