This Malaysia made concept muscle car has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.
a. orange, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black stripes on sides, mc5bk/ch-rim. Muscle Mania #127 $1 – 2
b. green, as a, mc5bk/ch-rim. Muscle Mania #127 1 – 2
c. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black and white stripes on sides, mc5bk/ch-rim. Then and Now #362 (2017) 1 – 2
d. mf pink, as c, Mal. sp5, multi-pack only (2018) 2 – NA
e. satin blue, black base, chrome int., blue windows, black, orange and lt blue design w/”8″ on sides, y5or, Mal. Mystery Models Series 4 #8 (2018) 2 – NA
f. pearl white, black base, orange chrome int., blue windows, orange and blue stripes and “52” on sides, pr5or, Mal. Pearl and Chrome #1 (2020) 1 – 3
g. black, blue base, chrome int., blue windows, blue and white Tokyo 2020 Olympics on hood and sides, pr5, Mal. Tokyo 2020 #2 (2021) 2 – 4
h. red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, blue and white stripes with white stars on hood, roof, and sides, ra6gd, Mal. HW Stars and Stripes #8 (2022) 2 – 4
i. purple/blue, black base, chrome int., yellow windows, blue stripes, “24”, and Hot Wheels logo on sides, os5/gd-rim, Th. Color Reveal 2-pack (2023) 3 – NA
j. mf white, black base and int., red windows, black, brown, gray and red designs and stripes on hood and sides, brown ra6bk, Mal. Mystery Series 3 #8 (2023) 1 – 2
k. mf pink, black base, chrom int., tinted windows, black and pink flames on sides, stl8/ch-rim, Indo. HW Flames 5-pack (2024) 2 – NA