Overbored 454 – 70mm – 2002

This Malaysia made modern muscle car with a blown engine has a metal body with a plastic base, interior and exposed engine, and windows.

Overbored 454 (a) a. mf blue, black base, chrome int., blue windows, two wide white stripes over roof and trunk, white and gray Hot Wheels logo on trunk, pr5. 2002 First Editions, #016 2 – 3
 a2. mf blue, as a, white and silver Hot Wheels logo on trunk, pr5. 2002 First Editions #016 2 – 3
 b. red, chrome int., tinted windows, white “Sears Portrait Studio” on sides, stripes on top, pr5. Sears Portrait Studio promo (2002) 10 – 15
b2. red, as b, “Studio de Photographie Sears” on sides pr5, Mal. Sear Photograph Studios Promo Canada (2002)
c. mf orange, black base, chrome int., tinted window, black racing stripes on roof and trunk, Hot Wheels logo on trunk, pr5, Mal. #214 (2002)
c2. mf orange, as c, pr5, Ch. #214 (2002)
Overbored 454 (d) d. mf yellow, black base, chrome int., green windows, black, green and white design on side, roof and trunk, “Blue Book 103” on door and roof, “Overboard 454”, “Heralda” on door and Hot Wheels logo on side and trunk, pr5, Mal. Blue Book 3-pack (2003)
e. mf lt. blue, gray base, chrome int., green windows, black, white, yellow and green design w/Hot Wheels logo, “SC” and “12” on roof, “Overboard 454” on sides, pr5gn, Th. Serpent Cyclone 5-pack (2003)
f. mf blue, black base, chrome int., orange windows, white, black and orange stripes and flames on roof and trunk, Hot Wheels logo on trunk, pr5, Ch. Power Semi pack (2003)
g. black, black base, chrome int., clear windows, white, black and pink stripes and flames on roof and trunk, Hot Wheels logo on trunk and silver headlights, pr5, Ch. Power Semi pack (2003)
g2. black, as g, white black and purple design pr5, Ch. Power Semi (2003)
h. mf green, black base, satin chrome int., blue windows, white, gray, black and blue metal ribs and flames on sides, pr5, Ch. Cyborg Assault set (2004)
i. mf yellow, black base, and int., red windows, red, white, black and tan cyborg design w/Hot Wheels logo, “RR-454” and “Cyborg” on sides, pr5, Ch. Cyborg Assault 5-pack (2004)
Overbored 454 (j) j. satin green, black base, chrome int., blue windows, white, black and blue spikes w/Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5bl, Ch. Speed Trap Raceway set (2005)
Overbored 454 (j2) j2. satin green, as j, sp5bl, Ch. Speed Trap Raceway set (2005)
j3. satin green, as j, pr5bl, Mal. Speed Trap Raceway set (2005)
k. flat black, black base, chrome int., green windows, silver and green stripes w/“454 Overbored”, and sponsors on sides, pr5, Mal. #216 (2006)
l. mf purple, black base, gold int., tinted windows, green, white, gold and black eyeball design on sides, pr5gd, Ch. Quickshot Launcher (2007)
m. black, black base, chrome int., green windows, lt. green, green and dk. green design on sides, pr5, Mal. Code car series, #089 (2007)
 o. mf silver, as m, tinted windows, white, red and black design, pr5, Mal. Code car series, #089 (2007)
p. black, black base, chrome int., blue windows, orange, white and blue flames, “8” and Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5, Ch. Dare Devil Drop play set (2008)
p2. black, as p, pr5, 10-pack (2009) 2 – NA
q. white, black base, chrome int., red windows, black, red, orange and tan design w/”Pizza Delivery”, a flaming pizza slice and Hot Wheels logo on sides and top, sp5, Ch. T-Rex Rampage play set (2008)
r. mf dk. orange, black base, chrome int., clear windows, black and white stripes on roof and sides, “Overboard 454” on sides, os5, Mal. HW Designs series #106 (2009)
Overbored 454 (s)s. mf red-orange, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, white, orange and pink flames on sides and roof, pr5, Mal. Happy Birthday series (2009) 2 – 3
Overbored 454 (t) t. mf lt. green, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, white, black, and silver design, os5gy, Mal. Exclusive 10-pack (2009) 2 – NA
Overbored 454 (u) u. satin yellow, as r, os5, Mal. HW Designs #106 (2009) 1 – 2
Overbored 454 (v) v. mf purple, gray base, gold chrome int., clear windows, black, white, yellow, and orange flames and rabbit design w/ “Easter 2011” on sides, sp5, Th. Easter Rides 5- pack (2011) 2 -NA
Overbored 454 (w) w. red, silver base, chrome int., clear windows, black, yellow, and white flames, stripes, and Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5, Mal. multi-pack only (2014) 4 – NA
Overbored 454 (x) x. mf purple, silver base, chrome int., yellow windows, black, yellow, and green flames on sides, silver sp5bk, Th. Color Splash Science Lab 5-pack (2015) 2 – NA
 y. mf purple, silver base, chrome int., yellow windows, gray, black, red, and green design “Batman / Superman” on roof, “The Dark Night” on sides, sp5, Mal. Batman vs. Superman chase (2016) 1 – 3
 z. yellow, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, black and red stripes and “Overbored 454” on sides, sp5, Mal. Mystery Models #6 (2017) 1 – 2
 aa. mf red, yellow base, chrome int., blue windows, blue and yellow stripes on roof, trunk, and sides “Easter” on sides, pr5bk/yw-rim, Th. Easter #3 (2017) 1 – 2
 ab. satin white, red base, chrome int., blue windows, green and red stripes. “18” and “Winter 2018” on sides, white pr5gd, Indo. Winter 44 (2018) 1 – 2
ac. mf purple, black base, chrome int., pink windows, aqua, pink, and white stripes with “Overboard 454” and “5” on sides, mc5/pk-rim, Mal. Mystery Models – Series 1 #5 (2023) 1 – 2

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