This Malaysia made armor-plated off road vehicle has a metal body with spoiler, plastic base, interior with engine and windows.
a. mf orange, blue base, chrome int., blue windows, blue, white, and black stripes w/ “827” on sides, clear blue or6/wh. 2012 New Models #19 $1 – 2
b. satin blue, as a, yellow windows, orange, white, and black design, clear orange or6/wh. 2012 New Models #19 1 – 2
c. mf purple, orange base, chrome int., orange windows, red and white design w/”6″ on sides, brown or6/wh Mal. HW Stunts – Desert Force #87 (2013) 1 – 2
d. lt. green, black base, gray int., blue windows, blue, black, and white design w/”6″ on sides, or6/wh, Mal. HW Stunts – Desert Force #87 (2013) 1 – 2
e. mf purple, white base and int., green windows, black, white and lt. green design w/”Cytro” on sides, white or6/wh, Mal. Max Steel 5-pack intl. (2013) 10 – NA
f. yellow, black base, chrome int., blue windows, blue, black, and white Hot Wheels design on sides, or6/wh, Mal. HW Off-Road – Off Track #113 (2014) 1- 2
g flat white, black base, gold chrome int., purple int., pink, purple, yellow, and black design “13” on sides, or6/pu, Mal. City – Trucking Transporter – Rumble Road (2014) 3 – 6
g2. flat white, as g, or6/pu, Th. City – Trucking Transporter – Rumble Road (2014) 3 – 6
h orange, black base, chrome int., yellow windows, black, white, and lt. orange, race design and “68” on sides, or6/yw, Mal. City – Trucking Transporter -Rumble Road (2014) 3 – 6
i. mf burgundy, red base, chrome int., orange windows, black, gray, red, and yellow design and “1” on sides, ct5, Mal. HW Off-Road – Stunt Circuit #111 (2015) 1 – 2
j. blue, lt. green base, chrome int., yellow windows, black, gray, red, and yellow design and “1” on sides, BlOr/or Mal. HW Off-Road – Stunt Circuit #111 (2015) 1 – 2
j2. blue, as j, or6/or Mal. HW Off-Road – Stunt Circuit #111 (2015) 1 – 2
k. flat lt. green, blue base, black int., tinted windows, blue, black, red, and white stripes on hood, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” on sides, ct5rd, Th Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 #1 (2017) 1 – 2
l. dk blue/orange, black base and int., yellow windows, white and yellow designs with “Hot Wheels” on sides, ct5, Th. Color Reveal 2-pack #14 (2024) 4 – NA