This Malaysia made concept ripper has a metal base with a plastic body, interior, grille and windows.
a. black, red metal base, gray int., red windows. red stripes and Hot Wheels logo and “HWTF” on sides, mc5bk/rd-rim. HW Off-Road #126 $1 – 2
b. pearl red, satin black metal base, gray int., chrome windows. red, yellow and white Hot Wheels logo on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim. Mal. HW Off-Road – Hot Wheels Test Facility #96 (2015) 1 – 2
c. pearl blue, orange metal base, gray int., orange windows. red, yellow and white Hot Wheels logo on sides, mc5bk/or-rim. Mal. HW Off-Road – Hot Wheels Test Facility #96 (2015) 1 – 2
c2. blue, orange metal base, gray int., orange windows. red, yellow and white Hot Wheels logo on sides, mc5bk/or-rim. Mal. HW Legends Gift set (2023) 1 – 2
c3. blue, as c. Indo. Hot Wheels Let’s Race 5-pack (2024) 2 – NA
d. black, satin blue metal base, blue int., yellow windows, yellow and white stripes on sides, glow-in-the-dark os5/yw-rim, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #50TH (2016) 1 – 3
e. green, metal base, black int., lt. green windows, green, yellow and white stripes on sides, glow-in-the-dark sp5bk, Mal. HW Glow Wheels #234 (2017) 1 – 2
f. purple, as e, yellow windows, pink, yellow and white design, glow-in-the-dark sp5bk, Mal. HW Glow Wheels TRU excl. (2017) 1 – 2
g. blue, metal base, black int., chrome windows, red, black and white stripes and “5” on sides, mc5/bk/red-rim, Mal. HW Game Over #16 (2019) 1 – 2
h. white, as g, red metal base, black windows, lt. blue, black and white design, mc5wh, Mal. HW Game Over #16 (2019) 1 – 2
i. zamac, tinted base, black int., clear green roll cage, black and green flames on hood and sides, clear green id5, Mal. Hot Wheels id (2019) 4 – 8
j. red, red metal base, silver int., black windows, black, and white stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, stl8/wh, Mal. HW Dream Garage #85 (2020) 1 – 2
k. chrome, blue metal base, black int., blue windows, black, and blue stripes and Hot Wheels logo on sides, stl8/bu, Mal. HW Dream Garage #85 (2020) 1 – 2
l. black, red metal base, gray int., dk. red windows. red Hot Wheels logo on sides, stl8/rd-rim. Indo. HW Legends 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
l2. black, as l, o10sp/rd-rim. Th. Legends 6 car set (2024) 5 – NA
m. lt. green, lt green metal base, dk. gray int., yellow windows. White, black, otrange and yellow design and ”4” on sides, orange sp5yw. Indo. Unleashed 5-pack (2021) 2 – NA
My favourite car in the whole world is rip rod