This Malaysia made custom bus has a metal body with a plastic base, interior and windows.
a. yellow, black base, chrome int., blue windows, black, pink, blue and yellow stripes and “Road Bandit Taxi” on sides, adpk rear / adpu front. HW Metro #7 1 – 2
a2. yellow, as a, tinted chrome int., adpk rear / adpu front. HW Metro #7 1 – 2
b. red, as a, purple windows, yellow, green and blue design, pr5yw rear / pr5bu front. HW Metro #7 1 – 2
c. gray, yellow base, red int., blue windows, orange, yellow, green and blue stripes and “HW Art Cars” on sides, blue sp5yw rear / green sp5yw front, Mal. HW Art Cars #20 (2021) 1 – 2
d. mf purple, blue base, chrome int., orange windows, orange, yellow, red and blue stripes and “HW Art Cars” on sides, yellow mc5yw rear / red mc5yw front, Mal. HW Art Cars #20 (2021) 1 – 2
e. mf blue, chrome base, orange int., green windows, green, orange, red, and yellow stripes and “Road Bandit” on sides, ra6, Mal. HW Fast Transit #30 (2024) 1 – 2
f. mf green, orange base, chrome int., yellow windows, green, orange, red, and yellow stripes and “Road Bandit” on sides, ra6gn, Mal. HW Fast Transit #30 (2024) 1 – 2