Shoe Box– 80mm – 2000

This Malaysia made ’49 Ford has a metal body with a plastic base, interior with exposed engine and windows.
Also known as: ’49 Ford

Shoe Box (a) a. yellow, black base, chrome int., magenta windows, red and magenta flames, lw. 2000 First Editions #086 3 – 6
Shoe Box (a2) a2. yellow, as a, pr5, 2000 First Editions #086 2 – 3
Shoe Box (b) b. white, chrome base, black int., tinted windows, orange and black flames on sides, roof and hood, sp5. Drive-In Jailhouse Rock or Blue Hawaii 4-car set 6 – NA
Shoe Box (c) c. lt. flat purple, chrome base and int., blue windows, black, red and white design w/pinstripes, pair of dice and “Lucky Nines” on sides, Hot Wheels logo on side window, ww, Mal. Rat Rods #60 (2001)2 – 3
c2. lt. flat purple, as c, w/o Hot Wheels logo on side window, ww, Mal. Rat Rods #60 (2001)2 – 3
 d. red and white, chrome base, white int., clear windows, white and silver flames on sides, gold and red flames on hood and roof, Editor’s Choice logo on trunk, rrww, Th. Editor’s Choice (2001) 9 – 12
Shoe Box (e) e. pearl white, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, red and purple flames on sides, pr5, Mal. #117 (2001)2 – 3
e2. pearl white, as e, sp5, Mal. #117 (2001) 8 – 12
 f. yellow, white roof, chrome base and int., clear windows, gold, black and white design, w/“Times Square Taxi” and “No. 6” on sides and roof, “First Mile Free” on roof, rrwl, Mal. Toys “R” Us grand opening in New York’s Times Square (2001) 10 – 15
 g. blue, as frrwl, Mal. Toys “R” Us grand opening in New York’s Times Square (2001) 10 – 15
h. blue, chrome base, black int., clear windows, yellow and red flame spray mask in front, white JC Whitney logo on sides,rrgyt, Mal. JC Whitney LE in box (2001)10 – 15
i. red, as h, rrgyt, Mal. JC Whitney LE in box (2001)10 – 15
j. mf dk. yellow, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, red, dk. red, yellow, and teal flames w/red Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. Details Center play set (2002) 3 – NA
j2. mf dk. yellow, as j, red, purple and black flames w/black Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. Power Launcher (2002) 3 – NA
k. mf lt. orange, as h, green added to flames, pr5, Mal. Detail Center set (2001)4 – NA
 l. mf purple, black base, chrome int., clear windows, yellow, orange and lt. blue flames on sides, hood and roof, lw, Mal. Sam’s Club 20 car pack (2001) 8 – 10
m. red, tan int., clear windows, purple and silver design on top, sp3, in set (2001) 6 – NA
 n. flat black, black base, chrome int., clear windows, yellow, lt. green and gray design w/flames and spider webs on sides, spider web and “Ghost Rider” on hood, sp5, Mal. #180 (2002)2 – 3
 o. pale blue and white, chrome base, white int., clear windows, rr, Th. Rod & Custom – Preferred (2002) 4 – 6
 p. black, as o, rr, Rod and Custom – Preferred (2002)
 q. mf black, red roof, gold base and int., yellow windows, yellow gold and red flames, and Marines logo, “DEVIL DOGS” on front fenders, rrgdrl, Th. Military Rods (2002)
r. yellow, chrome base, black roof and int., tinted windows, white, tan, yellow and black flames on sides and hood, 16th Annual Collectors Convention logo on trunk, rrww, Mal. 16th Annual Collectors Convention LE4000 (2002)
Shoe Box (s) s. mf blue, chrome base and int., yellow windows, white racing stripes on hood and trunk, “HSC” on hood and Hot Wheels logo on right side, sp5, Mal. Power Launcher (2002)
Shoe Box (t) t. mf gold, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, red, dk. red, yellow, and teal flames w/red Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. Details Center play set (2002) 3 – NA
Shoe Box (t2) t2. mf gold, as t, red, purple and black flames w/black Hot Wheels logo on sides, pr5, Mal. Power Launcher (2002) 3 – NA
u. mf purple, chrome base and int., tinted windows, silver, pink, white and black flame design on sides w/Hot Wheels logo, “TH, Treasure Hunt 2003” on roof, rrwl, Mal. Treasure Hunt #003 (2003)
Shoe Box (v) v. mf white, chrome base, and int., red windows, brown, white, black and red pirate design on sides and roof w/Hot Wheels logo, sp5, Mal. Boulevard Buccaneers #080 (2003)
 w. mf orange, chrome base, white int., clear windows, orange, red and black flames on hood and sides, details, dd5rr, Mal. Kool and Kustom – Auto Affinity (2004)
 x. mf green, as w, chrome base, white, purple and black flames, dd5rr, Mal. Kool and Kustom -Auto Affinity (2004)
Shoe Box (y) y. flat blue, black base, white front bumper, grille, engine and int., tinted windows, white, gray, blue and black flames on sides, ho5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
Shoe Box (y2) y2. flat blue, as y, chrome front bumper, grille, engine and int., ho5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
Shoe Box (z) z. blue, black base, white front bumper, grille, engine and int., tinted windows, white, gray, blue and black flames on sides, ho5, Th. Camoflamage 5-pack (2005)
Shoe Box (z2) z2. blue, as z, chrome front bumper, grille, engine and int., ho5, Th. Egg-clusives (2007)
Shoe Box (aa) aa. lt. green, chrome base and int., clear windows, green and gold tribal flames on sides, pr5, Mal. #172 (2005)
Shoe Box (ab) ab. mf pink, as a, silver and pink design, pr5, Mal. #172 (2005)
ac. spec. gold, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, silver and white stripes w/“Classics” on hood and sides, sp5ww, Th. Classics series 3 #14 (2007)
 ad. spec. red, as ac, sp5ww, Th. Classics series 3 #14 (2007)
 ae. spec. dk. blue, as ac, sp5ww, Th. Classics series 3 #14 (2007)
Shoe Box (af) af. spec. aqua, as ac, sp5ww, Th. Classics series 3 #14 (2007)
 ag. mf brown and mf bronze, chrome int., clear windows, silver stripes on sides, bw, Th. Since ’68 Top 40 (2008)
Shoe Box (ah) ah. mf red, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, lt. plum and black flames on sides, sp5rd, Mal. Mystery #183 (2008)
ah2. mf red, as ah, dk. plum in design, sp5gd, Mal. Mystery #183 (2008)
Shoe Box (ai) ai. mf white and mf lt. blue, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, silver pinstripe and details, bw, Th. 40 Anniversary 40-pack set 2 (2008)
Shoe Box (aj) aj. orange, gold chrome base and int., clear windows, yellow, gold and white design w/”Shoebox” on sides, sp5gd, Th. Graffiti Rides 5-pack (2009) 2 – NA
Shoe Box (ak) ak. white and silver, metal base, chrome int., clear windows, red and silver flames on hood and sides, rrrl, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #9 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 – 7
al. flat black and mf gold, as ak, yellow windows, gold and silver flames, rrrl, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #9 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 – 7
al3. satin black and mf gold, as al, rrrl, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #9 (2010) 3 – 5
 am. gray and red, as ak, satin chrome int., WS etched on base, rrrdwl, Mal. Wayne’s Garage #9 (2010) 4 – NA
 an. flat lt. purple and pearl white, as ak, met pink and white flames, rrpkwl, Th. Wayne’s Garage #9 (2010) 3 – 5
** with WS etched on base. 4 – 7
Shoe Box (ao) ao. yellow, black base, chrome int., purple windows, pink, black, white, and silver, checkerboard design w/ “Taxi”, “T9595”, and “Hot Wheels Cab Company” on sides, os5, Th. HW City Works 5-pack (2011) 2 – NA
Shoe Box (ao) ap. mf red, black base, chrome int., yellow windows, white, yellow, and orange flames on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Showroom – American Turbo #188 (2013) 1 – 2
Shoe Box (ap) aq. mf blue, as ao, gray base, tinted windows, mc5bk/ch-rim, Mal. HW Showroom – American Turbo #188 (2013) 1 – 2
Shoe Box (ar) ar. lt. green, chrome base, gray int., tinted windows, sp5rd, Mal. Custom Design Kit 3 (2014) 5 – NA

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