Super Volt – 70mm – 2015

Made in Malaysia this Chevy Volt racer has a metal body with a plastic base, interior, and windows.

Super Volt (a) a. satin red, black base chrome int., tinted windows, black and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Volt” on sides, pr5, HW City – Street Power #22 $1 – 2
 b. mf silver, as a, red, black and white design, pr5, HW City – Street Power #22 1 – 2
 c. candy blue, silver base, chrome int., blue windows, turquoise, black and silver design pr5bk/bu-rim, Mal. HW Green Speed #243 (2016) 1 – 2
 d. white, black base, chrome int., aqua windows, green, gray, and black design on sides, pr5bk/gn-rim, Mal. HW Green Speed #243 (2016) 1 – 2
 e. purple, as a, black and white design. pr5bk/ch-rim. Mal. multi-pack excl. (2017) 2 – NA
 f. satin green, gray base, chrome int., brown windows, red, white, gold, and black, design w/”Volt” and “HWGT 50” on sides, ra5or, Mal, multi-pack only (2018) 2 – NA
 g. mf red, as f, dk gray base, blue windows, blue, white, gold, and black, design, fan5bu, Mal, Mystery Models (2018) 2 – NA
h. mf yellow, black base, chrome int., tinted windows, met blue, orange and black design w/”Volt” on sides, pr5/bu-rim, Mal multi-pack only (2020) 1 – 2
i. lt. blue, dk. gray base, chrome int., tinted windows, black, orange, and white stripes on top, “3” on roof and sides, silver adbk, Mal. Mystery Models #3 (2021) 3 – NA
j. black, as a, blue and yellow design. pr5bk/ch-rim. Mal. multi-pack excl. (2022) 2 – NA
k. red, black base, chrome int, tinted window, black and yellow design with “T” on sides. pr5bk/ch-rim. Mal. multi-pack excl. (2023) 2 – NA
l. aqua, black base, chrome int, tinted window, blue, dark blue, and white designs with “03” and “Patrol” on roof and sides. ra6gy. Mal. Multi-pack Exclusive. (2024) 2 – NA

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