Supercharged – 85mm – 2021

This Malaysia made funny car has a metal body with a plastic base, exposed engine and canopy.

 a. mf black, tinted red base, red engine yellow canopy, red, orange, tan and white lightning bolts and “High Voltage” on sides, id5orrl, Mal. HWid (2021) 3 – 7
b. red, black base, yellow engine, tinted canopy, black, white, and yellow designs with “Supercharged” and “75” on top and sides, adgy, Mal. HW Drag Strip #211 (2022) 1 – 2
c. green, clear blue base, blue engine, green canopy, blue, light blue, and white stripes and “Earth Day 2024” on top and sides, green ad, Mal. HW Celebration Racers #124 (2024) 1 – 2

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