This Malaysia made fantasy car has a plastic body and canopy with a metal base.
a. chrome, metal base, yellow canopy, silver “Tooligan on sides, os5/yw-rim. 2010 New Models #2 $1 – 2
a2. chrome, as a, metric ruler in front. os5/yw-rim. 2010 New Models #2 10 – 25
b. gold chrome, as a, red canopy, os5/rd-rim. 2010 New Models #2 1 – 2
c. tinted chrome, as a, blue canopy, os5bu. 2010 New Models #2 1 – 2
d. gray, mf red metal base, orange canopy, red, orange, and yellow stripes, flames, and “Rescue Tools” on sides, red os5/wh-rim, Th. Flame Fighters 5-pack (2104) 2 – NA
e. chrome. satin gray base, red canopy. red and black stripes, “HW Tools” and “3/8” on sides, os5/rd-rim, Mal. HW Tool-in-One #31 (2016) 1 – 2
f. orange, metal base, yellow canopy, black, silver and yellow design and ruler on sides, os5/wh-rim, Mal. Experimotors TH (2107) 1 – 2
g. pearl red, metal base, clear canopy, black, white, and silver rules and design on sides, os5/yw-rim, Mal. Experimotors #197 (2017) 1 – 2
h. lt. blue, metal base, red canopy, red and blue stripes and “Tooligan” on sides, stl8/ch-rim, Mal. Experimotors #24 (2018) 1 – 2
i. yellow, metal base, tinted canopy, black and met green stripes and “Tooligan” on sides, stl8/gd, Mal. Experimotors #342 (2018) 1 – 2
j. green, metal base, yellow canopy, yellow, green, black and white stripes and “Cardier Tool Works” on sides, yellow fan5, Mal. Experimotors #4 (2020) 1 – 2
k. purple, as j, blue canopy, turquoise, blue, black and white design, silver fan5bu, Mal. Experimotors #4 (2020) 1 – 2
l. black, as j, red canopy, red and white design on sides, red fan5, Mal. Red Edition #4 (2020) 1 – 3
m. aqua, green canopy, turquoise, green, silver and white designs and “HW Tools” on sdies, silver fan5gn, Mal. Experimotors #28 (2022) 1 – 2
n. orange, aqua canopy, turquoise, silver, white, and yellow designs and “HW Tools” on sides, silver fan5aq, Mal. Experimotors #28 (2022) 1 – 2
o. pink, aqua canopy, aqua and white designs on sides, front: purple fan5aq/ rear: purple adaq, Mal. Experimotors #72 Treasure Hunt (2024) 2 – 4